
My son

Six years!

Lin Ye was so shocked that she fell to the ground!

She could not wrap her head around what was happening right now but she knew that if this was Chen Xi's son then she also had some relationship with him. 

Chen Xiao Ye looked at his mother who was sitting on the floor. Her confused eyes made his heart ache for some reason. "Does mommy not want me anymore?" He sighed in disappointment.

Lin Ye noticed the change of mood in the child's eyes and voice. She felt panicked for some reason, "No. It is not that I don't want you...," She explained in a hurry.

Truth be told it was a little hard for her to comprehend whatever was happening right now. She looked at the child and sighed. He must have been missing his mother dearly and that was why he mistook her for his mother. 

This was Chen Xi's son so that meant that he was his...mother...

Even though she did not give birth to him he could consider her his mother.

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