
Chapter 329 : Its all because of HIM

Note: Thank you ""@Toronel"" for 17 Golden Tickets. Thank you so much.


Leela stood up angrily from her seat and started speaking loudly. She thought Das made a pact with the Aries family. That is why she couldn't sit still after hearing the old man's explanation. 

"Sister, how can you remain so composed in the face of this? He willingly entered the enemy's den and walked away unharmed. It's not logical unless he struck some kind of deal with the Aries family," Leela exclaimed, her eyes searching for answers in Princess Amara's composed gaze.

Princess Amara, while outwardly calm, was far from unaffected by the situation. She leaned forward, placing her hands on the table before her, a thoughtful expression clouding her features.

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