
Sign of love language

{Verena Laurel's p.o.v}


A sharp pain awakens my mind in the early morning. "Ugh" A groan crawls up between my lips. Why can't I move around all as I please? I feel sore. Squeezing eyes, I attempt to sit up on the bed. Did I lose much energy yesterday during the golden festival time? Wait.

All of the sudden, my eyes widen due to realization. Scenes flash. No. It did not happen. No. I lift the blanket, seeing the new bedsheet beneath. No blood, no cum. It is all clean. A sigh echoes. I knew it was only an imagination. Maybe a dream; a nightmare. Right. "Huh?"

Howbeit, the sight of marks on my bare thighs appear. Love bites all over my thighs. The certain amount of shock rushes within me. Promptly, I rush out of the bed to run in front of the mirror. Messy hair, love bites on neck, sore breasts and body. This is the firm evidence.

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