
Her Last Wish

Ana had dragged herself too. She could feel the metallic smell and the taste of copper in her mouth. Her whole body felt bruised and battered and when she felt the carriage falling, her eyes closed. 

  Garrison ran to her when the carriage fell. He did not notice the blood from his arms as he held Ana. her eyes were already closed and he frantically touched her wrist.

He only felt better when he felt her pulse. But her face, her body, everything was covered with blood.

A pool of blood was collected around her.

"The maid is in worse condition." he heard but the voice did not register properly in his mind. 

  "How did this happen?" he howled in a low voice as his eyes burned them.

Oscar and Liam did not dare to raise their heads. The falling of the wheel could not be an incident when Garrison had personally checked everything before coming here. 

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