
Comments of chapter undefined of ONE PIECE: Game Game No Mi




thanks for the chapter 👍👍

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Aerial Adaptation Atmospheric Adaptation Enhanced Lung Capacity Enhanced Balance Enhanced Bite Enhanced Flexibility in legs Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Strength Enhanced Vision Hollow Skeleton Wing Manifestation/Flight High-Speed Flight Variations : Pterodactyloidea Physiology Azhdarchoidea Physiology Azhdarchidae Physiology Quetzalcoatlus Physiology: Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Endurance, Ultraviolet Vision, Unnatural Size Tapejaridae Physiology: Enhanced Vision Rhamphorhynchoidea Physiology: Prehensile Tail Dimorphodontidae Physiology Rhamphorhynchidae Physiology

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Drake : - They were the first vertebrates to fly. They did it long before birds and bats. And it terms of size, they pushed the envelope as far as it could go for a flying animal." Like their cousins the dinosaurs, pterosaurs stand out as one of evolution's great success stories - he smallest pterosaur measured no bigger than a sparrow; the largest reached a wingspan of nearly 40 feet (12 meters), wider than an F-16 fighter. - this detail provides evidence of a high-revving, warm-blooded physiology that could sustain the kind of exertion needed to stay in the air. Judging from the skulls of other fossils, scientists reason that many pterosaurs were gifted air-borne predators, built to feed on the wing. They darted after insects, dive-bombed for fish, and soared hundreds of miles over open ocean on extended hunting expeditions. - Hollow bones gave pterosaurs an advantage during life but were a hindrance to their immortality. Pterosaur skeletons were so delicate that they survived as fossils only when their corpses came to rest in a protected environment. For that reason most pterosaur remains come from species that lived near the ocean—the soft seafloor ooze entombed their bodies for eternity. -Paleontologists don’t know what the fibers were made of, but they suspect that they added strength to the wing, in much the same way the thin metal frame of an umbrella supports the fabric. "This is a unique characteristic of pterosaurs," Wellnhofer said. "The fibers may have helped stiffen the wing membrane. They could also have kept the wing bent, cambering its surface." -Pterosaurs could carry out these precise actions because they had a highly specialized brain. Their enlarged cerebellum, a characteristic more like the brain of birds than reptiles, provided the enhanced muscular coordination required for maneuvering on the wing. Such adaptations of brain and body must have taken untold millennia to transform a four-legged reptile into a full-fledged flier. -Their fourth finger has already transformed into a wing -When Eudimorphodon first took to the skies, it gazed down on a landscape completely alien to modern eyes. The continents were gathered together into one landmass called Pangaea that stretched nearly from Pole to Pole. Crocodile-like reptiles reigned as top carnivores, while dinosaurs were increasing in number. The balance of power shifted as the Triassic closed. Extinctions dethroned the prevailing reptiles, and fleet, meat-eating dinosaurs took over. During this period pterosaurs went through their own transformations, diversifying into dozens of species that ruled the winds. A clue to their evolutionary success came from the Qaratai (Karatau) Mountains of Kazakhstan in the 1960s when zoologist A.G. Sharov discovered fossils of an unknown species with well-preserved hairlike fibers. He named the new pterosaur Sordes pilosus, or "hairy devil." Sordes clearly set pterosaurs apart from the reptiles known today. Crocodiles and lizards don't need an insulating layer over their bodies because they are cold-blooded: Their body heat and activity rise and fall with the ambient temperature. But the fibers on Sordes suggest that pterosaurs needed to keep their body temperature elevated. It's one clue that they may have evolved an advanced, warm-blooded physiology similar to birds and mammals. -here is no way that pterosaurs could have managed sustained flapping flight unless they had an elevated metabolic rate, unless they could get oxygen into their cells and carbon dioxide out rapidly," he said. "They couldn't have flapped for more than a few minutes if they had been cold-blooded. They would have crashed to the ground." -Pterosaurs were very delicate creatures. They were as light as butterflies, and if there were turbulent winds in the area, they would have had to remain on the ground," he said. "This may have been a factor in their extinction because the world climate was deteriorating. And if climate deteriorates, the bigger

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Excellent chapter author as always i love this novel is one if not my favourite , here is some info and suggestions for the mc crews Mori : - Giant pandas are good swimmers and excellent tree climbers. At 5 months old, giant panda cubs learn how to climb - sometimes practising by climbing on their mum -They have an extended wrist bone that they use like a thumb to help them grip food. -Pandas need at least 2 different bamboo species in their range to avoid starvation and they are always eating 10-16 hours a day feeding, mainly on bamboo -A panda’s diet is 99% vegetarian, which mostly includes bamboo roots, stems, shoots and leaves. However their digestive system is typical of a carnivore, so the remaining 1% of their diet can include eggs, small animals and carrion. Pandas are also known to forage in farmland for pumpkin, kidney beans, wheat and domestic pig food. -Pandas can grow up to 1.5m long and weigh as much as 150kg. And while their large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles are designed for crushing bamboo, they can deliver a very nasty bite. - They do not need to hibernate in winter - Pandas have a thick, wooly coat that keeps them warm in their cold forest habitats. Moreover, the average thickness of panda skin ranges from 5 mm to 10 mm, which is twice the human average - At full speed, a panda can run around 32 kilometers per hour. As cute as they may look, pandas can defend themselves with their strong built and jaws. Definitely one of the panda facts to take note of if you encounter one in the wild - The ancient Chinese believed that pandas have mystic abilities. During the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 24 AD), pandas were regarded as semi-divine as some of them were found in the emperor’s garden


Tank yu for the chapter.


Good Work


This are the infos for the mc crew to inspire you ro suggest you to take some of their abilities metioned there , as always i believe the yami yami for reasons that i have previous mentioned perfect for the mc , but you could create a fruit true darkness or universal darkness as a logia same settings but with dark matter and dark energy and triple damage , why triple damage because with inmense power the body barelysustaind so as a biological response to keep up the body takes x3 damage , or you could conserve yami yami normal setting