
Distributing Points

When he thinks of Western Zhou, he has this confident smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. 

"And there is the temptation of Yan empire. Would the Western Zhou really have focused on the Great Steppe right now, when the land of the Yan empire is ripe for the taking?" he laughed when he asked this question to himself. 

He could already the guess the answer. Western Zhou and Aeryon tribe has never met each other, but Aeryon boldly dares to guess the priority of Western Zhou. 

The chief of the Khagai tribe gives him many information about the Western Zhou the last time they met.

Aeryon has two advantages living in this world. 

One of them is the system. 

The other one is his knowledge about this world and how he could relate it to the history of his world, or more accurately the feeling of knowing the trend of the world. 

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