
The Viper

The order of their Chief shocked everyone

But Garron did not change his face and di not change his order

'Retreat. Bring all of our men and retreat back to the Xewa tribe. We have been defeated' he said it and then he was the first one that rides away

He did not explain to Aeryon why he does this and this makes Aeryon and the warriors of the Utgard tribe stunned.

But then everyone realized what Garron is doing

He is leaving the area to Aeryon

'What are you doing? The Chief has given his orders. Retreat!'

He seems intent on leaving everything on the area toward Aeryon. The other warriors look at each other but then they also retreat.

They leave the body of the fallen there, to return to Earth or to be eaten by the animals

They could not understand why their leader suddenly quickly retreated.

Hundreds of men ride their horses and goes away from the area, the horse galloped across the plains, illuminated by the moon

and in just a matter of a few minutes, the Utgard tribe has finished evacuating the area. They left almost everything. Even some weapons were left behind

Aeryon was the one that was shocked the most. He was ready to kill people and slaughtering the enemy.

He even thought he would have to fight until the morning. But now, with the sudden departure of the Utgard tribe, he found out that he had won.

'Why?' Aeryon could not understand the reason why Garron would suddenly leave and let him go.

He could let go the enmity of killing so many of his warriors and did not even attack him? Aeryon would not believe that garron is afraid of him

Because Garron has hundreds of warriors. And he doesn't know that Aeryon has such a card. In any case, the logical course of action is to try to kill him

But this Garron doesn't seem to play by common sense.

But he did not celebrate early.

He also knows that the tribes of the Great Steppe like to play the retreat tactic.

They would retreat and then come back and rain down people with their arrow rain

So, he waited for half an hour while scouring the area of the tent and the campo. The fire also died down a bit.

'They are really not coming back?' he thought to himself.

He still did not understand the thinking of Garron but he quickly took one of the horses in the camp and goes toward his men on the hilly area not far away from the camp to inform them of what had happened

Belarion was shocked when he sees his sworn brother returns from the battle.

'Our Chief has returned!'

Belarion was shocked but he was also puzzled.

He could see form a distance, some rising to the sky and he could see that the camp of the enemy was in disarray. He already thought of the worse, but it seems now his brother is not injured.

He also sees the hundreds of horses rides away before. But because the signal was not given, they did not come out form their hiding place and waited.

And now, Aeryon returns back to them

Aeryon on horseback shouted

'I won!'

There is no cheer, only puzzlement in their face and Aeryon knows he need to explain this well.

Aeryon then explains the matter and everyone that listen to this was shocked.

They were shocked that Aeryon had manged to kill so many people alone but they were also shocked that the Utgard tribe simply leaves the area and leave it to them.

Aeryon did not celebrate too early.

He sent ten men to scout the area, to make sure that there is no ambush planned for them.

The ten people all quickly rides tehri horse and scour the area.

Aeryon did not go back to the tribe area and instead go back to his military tent. He has not time and he needs to plan his next move.

This plan of attack is not him taking down a few camps and then settle down.

Because doing that would not change anything.

He needs to remove the threat quickly.

The Xewa tribe and Ghar tribe. Unless he destroys them or subdue them, his tribe could not stay here. And since he made the first move and already antagonize the Xewa tribe, he had no other choice now

Before, the Xewa tribe might just let his tribe go. After all, his tribe is very small and adding a few men of his tribe to their tribe would not strengthen the Xewa tribe.

But, now that Aeryon had attacked Xewa tribe, Xewa tribe needs to show their attitude if they don't want to be thought of as weak.

Either he continues with his plans or die trying

So, he did not have time to rest on his laurels.

Belarion and Mayeux followed Aeryon to the military tent

Someone already reported to him that Mayeux had stopped Belarion from entering the battle before the signal was given.

He of course did not punish Belarion but he as surprised to see that there is someone like Mayeux.

This is a person that he could use

When they are in the military tent, Aeryon sat down on the stool and spoke

'We need to keep going. We will strike the Xewa tribe next' Hearing this both Belarion and Mayeux was shocked

'Brother, what do you mean? We already got our camp area'

'We got nothing. Even if we settled own, the Xewa tribe would continue to harass us. So, we need to bring the fight to them'

This time, Belarion clearly do not understand his brother plan at all.

It is already a miracle that his brother could raid a camp alone and killed dozens of people and force Utgard tribe to retreat.

But now, he wanted to strike right at the Xewa tribe.

The Xewa tribe might not be a big tribe.

But there is a trend of it becoming a big tribe.

It is for that reason the Xewa tribe has been aggressively expanding their warrior's recruitment and recruiting powerful men all over the Great Steppe.

The South has not been united for a very long time.

The Xewa tribe has close to a thousand people. this is a small tribe that is slowly approaching to become a big tribe.

His soldiers are around eight hundred men. They are fifty men. This is not a battle they could win.

But Aeryon sems to not hear any objections. Even Mayeux who would follow any orders feel a little hesitant and even wanted to ask but he held his tongue back.

'The way of attacking is the same like before. I will be the vanguard' Hearing this Belarion face pale.

He come forward and grab Aeryon shoulder

'Have your victory made you muddle headed, Aeryon? This is not a hundred men that you will be facing. This is almost a thousand men. You are one man. Even I would not be confident'

He is looking at Aeryon hoping Aeryon to change his mind.

He is happy that they won. Even though the process is weird, in the end they won. This is enough.

There is no need to court death.

Now, his brother is saying that he wanted to attack Xewa tribe. This is attacking continuously. This is surely going to burden the body of his brother.

If their tribe had a thousand warrior…no even a few hundred warriors, Belarion is confident to attack any tribe.

But they don't. They only have fifty horse riders

Belarion was born with innate strength.

Give him a well-trained army and he could kill a thousand people alone.

That is how strong someone who is born with an innate strength is.

But there is a caveat to this. When you wanted to kill a thousand people, this one thousand people would not just stand and wait for you to cut their head

They would fight

And they would attack.

Hence, any person who have innate strength should fight with an army who could defend him. As long as he is defended well, he is like a shearing tool that reaps lives.

Defend him from arrows, defend him from sneak attack and clear his way and one person could change the tide of battle.

Because there is so much damage they could attack before they too also succumb to injury

Person with Belarion kind of strength is rare in the world. Aeryon also knows that in Yan Empire, there is also a few people who have this kind of innate strength. There is the Jiang Fei and Jiang Yu, the three Jiang brothers.

The reason why Jiang Bei could stand out was also because of those two brothers of his. And then there is Dugu Yi also known as the Tiger of Bingzhou.

From what Aeryon could remember he sems to be modelled after Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian.

These people also have innate strength, and they alone could ride to war and fight a thousand men.

But this does not mean that they are invincible. They could still get hurt and when their vitality is drained, they will be defeated and could be killed.

That is how Jiang Yu die in the story. He went into a rampage, over extending his position, encircled and then finally stabbed to death by twelve men.

Of course, he killed thousands of men before these twelve people manage to stick their weapon onto Jiang Yu body.

But what use of it? Jiang Bei lost a great general and never again to be replaced.

Aeryon look at Belarion and he knows what Belarion is trying to tell him. If he had a functioning horse rider with warriors then Belarion could be his greatest general following him to fight against the Xewa tribe and still win.

Even his father seems to have such thoughts but such thought dies with him.

Aeryon however said

'I am not crazy, brother.' He pushes Belarion hand gently and Belarion sighed. There was silence between the two brothers

Aeryon does not reprimand Belarion. Because he knows Belarion does it because he cares. It is a pity he could explain to Belarion why he is so confident he could win.

He is invincible. Three days of invincibility and so, as longa these three days does not pass, he fears no one below the Heaven

'How could you say you are not crazy when what you are trying tod is so crazy?' Belarion could not understand what is there ush. Belarion does not see the hidden threat. He only sees what Aeryon ahs gained.

Mayeux on the other hand thinks of how to help Aeryon.

Aeryon could only sighed but he would not change his decision. Just in time, the ten men returned and gives him their reports.

The Utgard tribe has truly retreated and there is no ambush.

Aeryon nodded and tell them to remain in standby and be ready to move.

From this Belarion could tell that Aeryon was serious in attacking Xewa tribe tonight.

Mayeux who was not saying anything since the beginning suddenly said

'Chief, we have to be careful of Garron.'

Aeryon raise his eyebrows and Belarion is the same.

Mayeux then said

'Garron is also known as the Viper'

Both Aeryon and Belarion look at each other

They clearly do not know this

Aeryon close his eyes and then think about Garron action and he must admit, he does not understand what Garron is trying to do.

He then said



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