
The War Officially Start

Daniel was calm. He has both Elpis and Menis in orbit now… including the four God Slayer cannon. He has ensured that the result of the war will be in his favor. 

Yes, Elpis was the card that he got for some times now and he finally hasa ctualized it. The colossal mothership with a large continent and sea on the orbit is the thing that Daniel actualized. And now it's finally has been put to good use.

Card Name: Elpis - The Hope of Humanity

Illustration: A spherical futuristic mothership with dome-like glass that can see through the starry sky, inside there is an entire ancient Greece along with its sea as the colossal mothership fly through space.

Rarity: Legendary

Type: Artifact - Vehicle

Mana Cost: 12 Non-Element


Indestructible, Camouflage

When Elpis- The Hope of Humanity comes into play, Search for 5 location cards, and put them on the battlefield.

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