


/"Foma told me you had sex with him last night,/" Ariel said as he smoked a cigarette.

/"Yeah? What the fuck, why did he tell you!/" Cyzarine yelled on her phone. Foma chewed a gum while looking into a magazine.

/"That's not the point, you cheated on me!/" Ariel yelled.

/"Not really, see, you're the side kick here. Foma is my demigod, you are not my demigod. So basically, we cheated on him. I dated you cuz for one, you're rich, adopted son of a leading novelist so you know, I got that flex, and two, I like your personality. You give off those bad boy vibes,/"


/"Oh yeah, your face too. I like your face,/"

/"...Wow, I am honored, Cyzarine. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks, now fuck off,/" He hung up and blocked her. Then, he lay down on his bed and felt something hard hit his backbone. He took it out from beneath him and looked at it.

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