
Chapter 79 :( Scavenger Hunt)

The scavenger hunt is either played by a whole group or by two contestants. The players had three lights on their breastplates, which the opposite competitor needed to turn off to get points. It was a time-limited game, and  could injure other players to get more points. In this type of game, participants showcased their agility, quick thinking, and flexibility.

The cloudy weather gave the Forest an eerie vibe. Plus, they were playing in the pitch-dark night, when visibility was zero. The cold gazes of malevolent beasts were roaming around the forest. 

All the equipment and cameras had already been installed to monitor their activities. 

The boys were ready to duel with each other, wearing trousers, a vest with three lights on

and rain boots. Those lights were also known as lifelines, as they had a 3 cm radius. It glowed in the darkness to make the game thrilled.

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