
A Worthy Fashion Choice, Part 2

Note: I edited the previous chapter. Minor fixes in grammar and adding missing content for context.


The first thing I did was strip just like I'd told everyone to do. 

No, wait. 

If I was being honest, the first thing I did was look around the vault just to make sure that everyone was following my instructions. I wish I hadn't. There were some things about your friends that you just don't want to see because when you do you can't unsee them. 

Anyway, once I'd shaken the image of hairy backs and non-human anatomies out of my brain, I too stripped to my undies, and unlike back in the day, I no longer felt embarrassed about showing off too much of my skinny teenage body to anyone. Particularly because my scrawny form wasn't so scrawny anymore. 

Yep, all that training's finally done me justice and given me the arms and abs that wouldn't lose to a certain black-scaled dragonkin. 

"Bottoms up." 

I took a long swig of the potion. 

Next chapter