
The Unrivaled, Part 2

Holy freaking Hel… I did not see this coming. Nor did I ask for it as I was pretty sure my list of recommended reinforcements for Mistress Lorelai did not include my master. 

'Baldr's balls…'

Well, I would have to curtail my surprise. Because, if she noticed me looking all dopey and inattentive, my master would knock my lights out immediately after she beat up Fenrisúlfr's pack of super wolves. 

Speaking of beating a super wolf up…

No words were exchanged between Gévaudan and the dragonkin who'd appeared before him. Rather, there was no time for words or any other kind of exchange. At least not for the silver-haired emissary. Because, in a single flawless motion, my master drew her katana forward in an arc—its blade coated in an elemental aura that looked like glowing bubbles were spreading along its surface—and cut Gévaudan in twain. 

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