
Tricking the Trickster, Part 1

Note: Edited - 24/09/23. Fixed grammar, dialogue, and prose a bit.


I spread my hands to the sides and cast, "Song of Radiance," and a fiery healing aura enveloped me, helping to calm my anxiety, steady my brain, and lessen the chill in my body. 

'Song of Radiance' wasn't just to counteract my current state though. I hoped casting it outside of Lyngvi might mean the spell wouldn't be affected by the island's anti-magic field. If things worked out, then not only would 'Song of Radiance' aid me against Fenrisúlfr's debuffs, but the spell's persistence also meant I could cast other magic similarly and be better prepared for the fight ahead. 

Unfortunately for me, a very wary Fenrisúlfr took this act of spellcasting as a sign of rebellion. It would've ripped Liara's hand off right then and there if my new father-in-law wasn't a step ahead of the demon wolf. 

Next chapter