
The Pentacle, Part 1

Note: Edited - 21/09/23 Fixed grammar, dialogue, and prose a bit. I changed 'Magic Circle' to 'Magic Formation' for certain reasons. I changed the title too. 


"All right—stop!" I raised my hands up in surrender while hoping that Fenrisúlfr would buy my act of contrition. "I haven't done anything, you bastard!" 

Keeping a straight face on while I lied to a demon wolf was easy to do. I just had to push my anger forward to hide the mischief hidden in my expression. 

"I'm almost done!" I yelled. "Please, stop hurting her!" 

In response, Fenrisúlfr lifted its upper jaw an inch. Meanwhile, Liara bit back the scream that was raring to explode out of her lungs after the demon wolf's teeth slid out of her flesh. Then, despite the pain she must be feeling, the she-elf raised her other arm toward me so she could give me the thumbs up. 

'I'm okay,' Liara mouthed. 

No, she wasn't. It was time to end this. 

Next chapter