
Chapter 1

Under tower and balcony,

By garden-wall and gallery,

A gleaming shape she floated by,

Dead-pale between the houses high,

Silent into Camelot.

Out upon the wharfs they came,

Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame,

And around the prow they read her name,

The Lady of Shalott.

Who is this? And what is here?

And in the lighted palace near

Died the sound of royal cheer;

And they crossed themselves for fear,

All the Knights at Camelot;

But Lancelot mused a little space

He said, "She has a lovely face;

God in his mercy lend her grace,

The Lady of Shalott."

Alfred, Lord Tennyson


She was falling, she could see herself falling down, she murmured something in a slow whisper with a winning smile on her lips and she fell.

She opened up her eyes, mind blank and confused; it was dark and there was a strange aroma around her, as if she was in a Morgue. When her eyes got used to of the dark, she thought she was dead and it's her grave, but she could feel some light coming through a glass window, she could see white satin sheets hanging like curtains around her, she tried to get up, but an excruciating pain ran through her body, she was shot, she remembered!

A door opened, a ray of light blinded her eyes, she covered her eyes with her hands, but she could see them, walking towards her, rushing to save her life, she was in the hospital.

She screamed when a needle pierced through her skin, deep into her flesh and her eyes slowly closed again..all she remembered of her conscious mind was the light, the pain and him!

With such innocence she had said 'so what I die daily'!

She had died every day of her life as she had lived! How could we live parallel to death in life, but we do, and she did too! Now she was face to face with death, standing parallel to life!

Next chapter