
A New Problem

Why would Jackal sleeping with Loki be an issue? If anything, his natural charisma swept everything under the rug with ease!

Lili accepts Jackal's dick promoted from a hand-baiter to Babel. Eina and Rose are more than happy to see their man get the divine experience of manhood. Maria tales his song of conquering the embodiment of chaotic pranks to her children, Naaza's tail wags at his mere sight, and Mia will get wet every time he sets foot into her establishment from now on.

Well, no.

If anything, Jackal knows he lost his brownie points with Mia after his moment of a hissy fit. Lili did pay for everything, of course. But he has yet to enter her fine establishment again. As for the rest?

"Wow, so everyone's at the shop?" Jackal blinks in surprise as he returns to the store with a pink kitty pocketed in his vest, her fuzzy head sticking out, and a sharp-eyed husky following him calmly.

"Worried sick for you!" Hermes pouts with his hands set on his waist before adopting a relaxed expression as he gestures around everyone in his store. "I assume that's what others want to express." He adjusts his hat and smirks, "But would you imagine that? You're just fine after a drunken night."

Jackal blinks, startingly similar to the wide-eyed emerald-hued kitten, as he questions, "No, I meant, Naaza, don't you have a store to run? And Eina, Rose, uh, Misha's really working hard for the two of you, huh?"

"Is that all you have to say?" Eina stares at Jackal strangely calmly.

"Hmm…" Jackal works his jaw, feeling his intuitions blaring crazy alarms as he looks over to Maria questioningly, expecting some assistance. But she stares at him equally blankly. He then looks at Shakti.



Jackal stares at the blue-haired captain of Ganesha Familia before voicing his doubts, "What's exactly going on here?"

"Jackal," Maria sighs softly, "You should know better even when drunk."

"Look, I know it was Loki!" Jackal sighs explosively, "And I'll never forgive myself for stooping so low! But she just got on me without warning!" He speaks with honest emotions while watching others' expressions deform into confused frowns of their own as Lili's lips twitch constantly. He stills, "And that's not the reason you're here."

"We don't care if you sleep with a goddess," Naaza snorts coldly.

"Sounds like you do," Hermes hums playfully.

"Hermes! Out, now!" The silent Asfi drags Hermes out of the store as Jackal sidesteps to give them a way out.

"Well, I do!" Eina retorts to Naaza and glares at Jackal.

"Wait, just give me a second," Jackal waves his hands dismissively before questioning, "Did you guys know I slept with Loki?"

"Now we do, Jackal-sama. After all, we wouldn't believe a word Hermes-sama said." Lili scoffs sharply and slumps in her seat.

"Oh… well, it wasn't even that—"

"Jackal," Maria thins her lips.

"Right. Who am I even kidding?" He shrugs as he sets the pink kitten on the counter under Lili's watchful gaze while noting the muggy atmosphere in the store.

"Are you guys mad or not? Cause this is getting a little confusing for me," Jackal starts with a confused tone. "I mean, after all, I did say I would do these things."

"I think it's how you did it," Rose hums thoughtfully, feeling equally annoyed for reasons she is trying to comprehend.

"Doggy style? You have problems with that position?" Jackal stuns others.

"No!" Eina hisses, her cheeks turning bright red as she balls her fists, "I- tch! Nothing!"

"Ohhh! You mean," Jackal looks around, "with whom I slept, is that it?"

Rose nods slowly.

"So all of you have a problem with Loki?"

"NO!" Everyone, including Take and Shakti, snaps at the same time, startling Jackal and the pink kitten.

"Alright, I'm lost then," He shrugs and takes a seat.

"They mean you didn't do them first," Hermes sticks his head in, "I don't know about Takemikazu—" A hand from hell grabs his neck and drags him out again as the interior of the store falls into a deafening silence.

"Oh," Jackal blinks, "Take, I don't know I can—"

"For the love of god," Shakti rolls her eyes, feeling herself nearing her limits. As Jackal stares at her, the woman warns him, "And no. Don't think anything stupid about me. You have caused yourself and those around you quite the trouble."

Jackal straightens his back with a curious expression, "How so?"

"Our Familias have received warnings, disruption of which would net us getting exiled," Take sighs softly beside Maria as Jackal frowns.


"Because you decided to become indecent in public with Loki!" Naaza snaps with cold fury.


The pink kitten yowls softly as Jackal calmly pets her little head, "Don't be scared. Naaza won't hurt you."

"Jackal," Shakti stares at him seriously. "Someone of prominent influence wants to smother you out of business and possibly out of Orario. I've come here to inform you of things out of goodwill and prospering relationship between your store and our Familia. But chances are, Ganesha Familia will suspend their business with Humble Jackals for an indefinite period."

She doesn't wait for Jackal, but he still stops between her and the door.

"What?" She arches her eyebrow,

"Just wanted to thank you for the notice, is all," Jackal smiles. "And just so we're clear, only the Ganesha Familia is suspending its business with my store. That's it, right?"

Shakti sighs and remarks, "You won't have my goodwill if you pull a stunt like last night."

"It was Loki's idea."

"Somehow, I doubt it," Shakti scoffs and waits for Jackal to move away.

Once she leaves, Jackal looks at everyone else besides Take. "So… did Hermes get it right?"

"Not really," Eina responds sharply, "Jackal, we didn't come here by missing our work. We were sent here by the Guild."

Jackal sits again and gestures for her to continue.

"As Shakti said, someone pulled the strings, and almost all low-leveled stores across Orario are threatening to leave the City if you do not close your shop." Before Jackal could get a word in, Eina adds, "And I'm not talking about your competitors, who are very mad about your production of Butterfree Era. I am talking about 60% of the entire low-level market boycotting Orario if the Guild does not deal with you."

"Deal with me? How?" Jackal questions.

"We read some of the petitions," Rose frowns, "They were extreme. Many condemn you for not being decent in public, but that's the least of it. Some claim your actions against the Soma Familia were unjust. Others want every Familia and store dealing with you out of Orario."

Jackal narrows his eyes thoughtfully and nods, "Hmm, got it."

Eina hesitates a little, "No, you don't. The guild wants to take action because—"

"Because I'm a big, fucking wild card whose information is unknown aside from the years of service in the Guild. There's a big bad wolf rallying a herd of annoyed sheep against you guys and me, with whom I've been dealing and sharing profits. That's about it, right?"

Jackal starts tapping the counter before looking at Maria, "Did you get any threats?"

The woman hesitates before nodding.

"Lili, did someone try to thrash the store in my absence?"

"Yes, Jackal-sama! But I punctured their limbs with my spear!" Lili perks up, and the pink kitten trembles more intensely!

"Takemikazuchi, did your familia get into some trouble in the Dungeon?"

He nods and questions, "How did you know?"

Jackal shakes his head and looks at Naaza, who sighs and responds, "My store didn't receive any threats, but my customers declined quite a bit."

"Hmm," Jackal nods and looks at Take again, "How's your familia?"

"Safe," he replies calmly.

"Well, the good news is I know how to make the Guild back off," Jackal smacks his lips. "The bad news is, in removing the Guild from the equation, the big-bad wolf likely will toss away all semblance of civility and do everything in his means and power to take me out for reasons only he knows why."

"And how do you know all this?" Naaza questions.

"I know how thugs work," Jackal shrugs with a smirk before quelling any more questions, "Before we begin, I have something very important to ask. But even before that, I'm sorry you guys got into trouble because of me."

"No, Jackal-sama!" Lili stands and bows to others, "It's possible things got this bad because of Jackal-sama destroying Soma Familia and me further contracting Soma to our shop. It's all—"

"Nobody's fault but the person behind all this," Takemikazuchi interrupts with a serious expression.

"That's right," Maria reveals an apathetic look, "We aren't here to blame you. We want to resolve the situation just as much as you are."

"And customers always return after a while, so there is no point getting angry." Naaza half-shrugs.

"Very well," Jackal grins, "Now, to the important task!" He claps his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"What should we name my pet kitten and dog?"



The door of his store opens as Hermes and a stony Asfi walks in, the blonde deity laughing without missing a beat as the smell of potion wafts from him, "Well, is that even a question? The adorable kitten is obviously Anya, and the serious and silent canine is Loid!"

Jackal raises an eyebrow before looking at the two pets.

"Sounds good to me," he shrugs.

"Wait!" Takemikazuchi frowns, "What about Nekokitane for the kitten and Okami-no-Yusha for the canine?"


The blonde husky let out a throaty grunt in disgust for the first time as the pink kitten visibly recedes in Jackal's hand while staring at Take with horror.

"Nope, Anya and Loid, it is."

He then looks at everyone, "So… you guys really aren't mad about Loki?"

Their stares condense into him as Takemikazuchi chuckles and stands up, "I will be in the orphanage."

"Oh, I would love to see you train them," Hermes chuckles and turns around smoothly.

"We would like to have a word when you are done here, Jackal."

"Wait!" Jackal calls out with a resolute look, "Take Anya and Loid out. They have seen enough atrocities for the day."

"An admirable choice," Rose nods calmly. Her yellow-gold eyes laced in annoyance for the first time in a long while.


Gaslighting is a form of interrogation known usually to women, who are born with this art inherently maxed out commonly. Jackal still doubts Hermes' claims of other women wanting to sleep with him. Maybe Eina and Rose, sure. But others, Jackal doubts it. Maybe Lili, too? Wait… just maybe, Maria, too? And what about Naaza? These are the thoughts Jackal would love to consider in calm silence, but he wouldn't get any in this judgment zone layered with gaslighting of supreme proportions.

Why doesn't Naaza shout if she's irritated?

Why doesn't Eina just open up about what's getting to her?

Why is Lili just grumbling under her breath?

Why doesn't Maria points out what seems to be the issue?

The answer is—gaslighting. And Jackal can notice it all too well.

It's entirely her fault, isn't it?

"So, we agree that Loki is a problem?" Jackal concludes as their collective groans echo.

Like hell, Jackal will let any gaslighting rouse him!

He snorts a chuckle as he addresses the impressive potential in the store. "So, I can assume you're all gathered here to fuss over me?"

"Keep dreaming," Naaza is the first to stand and make her way towards the door. But instead of stepping out, she stops and looks at him, "We need to go out if you're available later. I'll let you know the details. But aside from that, I can't let Blue Pharmacy continue any dealings with your store. But as Shakti said, Miach and I will—"

"I know," Jackal cuts in with a broad grin, "Thanks, Naaza."

Her cream-furred rounded ears twitch a little as she turns and leaves.

"We should be leaving, too," Eina looks at Rose, who nods reluctantly. Before they leave, however, Jackal smiles wryly at them, "I really wanted to have fun with you at the party, you know? And I probably could have handled whatever Tiona did better."

Rose and Eina share a look, their expressions easing before Eina smiles sweetly, "Well, I hope this isn't your last leveling party. After all, I wouldn't like getting drunk without cause."

Rose slightly inclines her head and adds, "But don't force yourself. Not only with the level-up but also the situation with the guild."

His smile softens as he nods, "I'll take it easy. Um…" He looks at Lili and Maria cautiously before half-shrugging. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

They nod with short smiles of their own before bidding their farewell to the group and leaving the store silent.

"Jackal-sama?" Lili pouts.


"Your pervertedness has no limits!"

Jackal looks at the pouting girl before grinning wolfishly, "Hmm, and you sleep next to me. Says a lot more about you than me, don't you think so, Maria-san?"

The mature woman rolls her eyes at their antics as she adopts a serious expression, "Jackal… read this."

She hands him a stack of rolled papers, watching Jackal and Lili read through them with a worried look. She observes their expressions morphing from shock to fury.

"How dare they?!" Lili vibrates anxiously as she scowls, "I should have killed them!" Red glinting in her chestnut hues.

Jackal, however, frowns as he pockets the threats of the worst kind toward Maria and the children, "I'll take care of it?"

"Can you?" Maria chews her lips in worry. "I mean, alone. What if my children get hurt? And I'm not just talking about the ones in the orphanage. What if they attack others in the Dungeon?"

Jackal grows silent.

He will end up with the responsibility of too many people on his back if he promises their security to Maria, but can he even say no? He likes her and the children, and these things are in no manner exclusive. He would still end up taking a liking to the children without Maria.

"Lili," Jackal suppresses the burning anger in his heart. The individual behind this mess right after one of Jackal's grandest nights will pay in time. But for now…


"We're going to stop selling Butterfree Era for the time being."

Lili's eye widens.

The limited sale of Butterfree Era means low profits to the store, but the product is already a brand item for their store. Such action is equivalent to—

"I don't want you to give up your dreams because of me…" Maria lowers her head with a guilty expression as Jackal blinks before cackling, "I'm already going out with Eina and Rose. I think Naaza asked me out, too. So, what dream am I giving up on?"

As Maria looks up, still not giving into Jackal's attempt at changing the topics, he musters with a grin, "My dream isn't money. This store's existence and your lives are more important than some product. Besides, this is only to calm things for now. As I said, I know how to handle the Guild."

"And the other person?"

Maria inquires.

"Dunno. Chances are I'd kill him on sight, but the gods won't like it for some unknown reason. I'll have to ask around, starting from Hermes and other high-level adventurers I know."

Maria nods quietly, still not leaving.

Lili and Jackal look at each other before the former chimes, "This time Jackal-Sama won't be alone, Maria-san! I can help out, too."

"Yeah, you can take care of the store in my stead. I'll have the new items on hold for the time being."

"No!" Lili cries out with a huff, "In fights! I'm getting better!"

"Hmm…" Jackal looks at Lili suspiciously before shrugging, "If you say so."

"I'm not lying!"

"I didn't say you were!"

"I can smell your disbelief!"

"That's just the smell of Anya's piss on me."


Maria watches their banter before breaking into a soft smile.


Alternate Title: Promotion to Babel; Worried Group; This is Not an Intervention; Asfi Has Mastered the Art of Potion Beating; Failed Gas Lighting; Jackal V The Big Bad Wolf; Beginning of a Storm; Recognized Goodwill; The Guild Signs of Moving; Hermes Gets is Right; Pet Names; Scared Anya and Ninja Loid; A Stack of Threats; Straightened Priorities; Anya's Piss Smells of Disbelief


A/N: So this should straighten out whom the cat and dog are based on, right? I have a hazy idea for their background, and I have mommy killer ready to appear at a moment's notice, kek. Now just imagine Anya's expression on a cat's face, and you're gold. And this arc will be slower because of two reasons: More development of characters which will tie into Jackal's progression, and more revelation of the Gekai plane as a whole to introduce some interesting 'merchants.' By the way, if it still isn't clear, Olal Shen is based on two characters: Lalo (from breaking bad) and Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2) Hence the grey-white hair and mustache.


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