

“You see, I was pretty cool, wasn't I?” Raymond boasted with his chest puffed up smugly.

“Yeah, you were superman” Theophilus mocked with a scoff.

“So, this is the NAUX gang member's ID. Those men trust quite easily, huh” Kyle fiddled with the ID between his fingers.

“We’ll have our investigation team dig in more information from what we already have and get to the bottom of all this. Thank you all, especially Andrew, for your cooperation in this investigation. I think we should end here for today, we wouldn't want to do anything further that might startle the snake, would we?” Theo spoke.

“No boss” They all chorused.

“Good, then we call it a day” Theo said.

“C’mon let's go chill men” Raymond summoned the courage to playfully punch Theo on the shoulder, which elicited a dangerous side eye from Theo.

“Where to?” Andrew asked.

“Kyle’s bar” Raymond suggested.

“Woah, Kyle's has a bar too?” Andrew was amazed.

Next chapter