
317 Successors of the conqueror

[Lucy's POV: ]

The great creature was as big as mountains, as ferocious looking as the demons of deepest parts of the hell, possessed an aura so dense it felt like it was something that can destroy even the toughest castles of this world with merely its breath and, it was looking down at all of us.

{ "As the last knight of the Conquerer and one that holds the oath of protection, I cannot let you pass this place. Though, as someone who has managed to defeat all the enemies in their paths, I admire your strength." }

The creature wa strong and big, and since it was a ghost, a astral body, there were no physical attacks that were going to work against it. 

It wasn't even like the common ghost that we have faced until now.

{ "I'll give you a chance to walk out on your own." }

He was using Mana speech, there was a sword handing on his back, an astral weapon that, just like him, was not physical.

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