

"Wait what? You're seriously saying that he's you're student and you still haven't let him go to his first dungeon even though he's this strong? A bit hypocritical of you to do specially knowing how long you used to spend inside dungeons. I mean you went in there and never came out of there," said Archibald to which Yosel looked annoyed but Willam began to laugh.

"Wait… is that really you Willam? You look nothing like what you used to look like before. I couldn't even recognize you. I only realized who you were because if your laugh," said Archibald as he went to catch up with Willam.

"So do all three of you know each other from some childhood camp or something?" Arthur asked to which Yosel began to think of an appropriate answer.

"Well, something like that. Willam and I knew each other since were mere children. We met Archibald inside the training program to become the next inspector," said Yosel to which Arthur understood and nodded his head.

"Okay then, when do we go to the dungeon?" Arthur asked to which Yosel seemed hesitant to answer.

"Well, Arthur, I'm afraid you're going to have to go alone. You see, Archibald and I are still in heavy security protection. You can bring Willam along with you as well however the two of us have to prepare for the worst," said Yosel to which Arthur was rather sad however he understood where he was coming from. After all, the council of sorcery wasn't an organization to be messed with.

"I understand. I don't really want to separate you from Willam since you're all good friends so you guys can stay here. I'll be leaving now. I'll check up on you when I can," said Arthur before teleporting elsewhere before Yosel could even give a reply. Arthur just teleported back to his home where he sat on his bed feeling rather lonely.

"You know what, it's not even that bad. I can go inside dungeons now which will count as extra training and also allow me to unlock my dimension expansion," said Arthur to which Lucifer interrupted.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up already. A war is brewing up and you choose to simply sit and enjoy your life? Get up already," Lucifer yelled at Arthur to which Arthur did in fact get up.

"Teleport me to the best dungeon that you can get me to. I need one that'll allow me to grow exponentially at a very fast rate," said Arthur to which Lucifer let out a sinister grin before doing as he was told.

Arthur had been teleported in front of a gate of some sort. It hasn't been activated yet as the middle part of the large double gated door was empty and didn't have a magical mist of some kind on it. As such, Arthur decided to place his palm on it to which the middle part of the door instantly turned blue as it began to resemble a real magical gate which meant that it was activated.

Seeing as how the gate had been activated, Arthur prepared to walk into it however things had been too peaceful for Arthur which meant that his luck had been used up and now it was time for him to get unlucky.

"Greetings Arthur," said a voice behind him which Arthur sensed before the figure even spoke.

"How can I help you?" Arthur asked sarcastically as he turned around.

"I just want to talk," said the figure to which Arthur looked exhausted before replying.

"If all you wanted to do was talk, you wouldn't have sneaked up on me. You're either here to attack me out of your own free will or someone sent you to kidnap me. Seeing as you decided to sneak up on me instead of challenging me flat out, it means that you've been sent to kidnap me. That makes the possibilities of who you might be working for smaller however I can further deduce who you're working for. Judging as how I'm part of Juno's military and all the other countries are becoming allies with each other, I doubt they would try get me. Meaning that you've been sent by the council of sorcery," said Arthur to which the figure in front of him took off his black rough cloak to reveal a rather old man which began to smile.

"Well, I mean it was close but not completely correct. You see, I'm not working for the council of sorcery. I am a member of the council of sorcery itself. I mean we wouldn't dare to underestimate you and knowing you connections, you would be an obvious target for us. So don't make this any harder than it has to be, just come with me and there will be less pain involved," said the old man which caused Arthur to laugh.

"I've been meaning to measure myself against the likes of you. So old man, show me what you're made of," said Arthur to which the old man grit his teeth.

"Don't get too cocky," said the old man as he seemingly teleported right up to Arthur's face and while he was mid air, he grabbed a hold of Arthur's face before smashing it on the ground.

"Wow, you're a lot stronger than I thought," said Arthur as he tried to get up however the old man's hand was too strong and instead, Arthur's head got smacked on the ground a couple more times.

"So are you going to join us or not?" the old man asked as he gripped onto Arthur's face as if he was going to squeeze it to bits.

"Of course not," said Arthur before he smiled as he had cast a spell without talking.

Instantly, the entire area that the two of them were in exploded. The effects of it could be seen over a 1 kilometre radius.

"Looks like you got a couple magic tricks up your sleeve. Let me guess, speechless spells in combination with magic chemistry. Fire with nitroglycerin. Always a fun one in my books. Even so, it'll take a whole lot more than that to defeat me," said the old man as he got up from the ground and began to slowly walk towards Arthur.

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