When a magic practitioner is under substantial threat, the danger sense sends out a distress signal to the brain, and immediately after, the nervous system gets activated... Heart rate and blood pressure increase, breathing is accelerated, and the body is put on high alert.
When Hade found himself surrounded from all sides by weapons of all shapes and sizes hurtling through the air towards him, he had never felt more at peace and calm with himself.
It was not overconfidence or the kind of calm that one resonated with oneself just before death, no.
It was the kind of calm that came with knowing that whatever was thrown at you, you would find the means to get past it and emerge from the ordeal even stronger than before.
Nevertheless, Hade had to admit, even he had not expected an attack of such brilliance and magnitude from his lanky spectacle-wearing dorm mate.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: