
Vis T political headache

"I lie, I steal, I cheat because no one can withstand my Valeryian heat"-Prince Aegon Targaryen.

111 Ac

Viserys Pov

Seven hells, why was this thrust upon me? What sin did I commit to be faced with such a defiant brat as a son, one who refuses to kneel in my presence and who defies every single soul, he thinks he knows best that bloody fool. He has no care for the mess he's made. I know he knows what he's done, but he cares not for the consequences. A disaster is what it is—a political calamity that I've had thrust upon my head.

A Kingsgaurd murdered, Emilia missing, Syrax dead. A Lord paramount daughter was assaulted by my wife in front of several witnesses, a declaration of a betrothal not agreed to by the fucking King about his son that granted is less known, but that may be worse as Corlys is screeching and causing me a headache with his wounded pride.

Why did I allow Rheanyes kids to claim dragons? I should have stopped it now they have Melyes Seasmoke and Vhagar, the Queen of all dragons and the last living creature from the time of the conquest and a veteran of over 100 battles. I let house Valeryon become too strong, and now I've handed Corlys the heir to the throne, and he's still not satisfied. That up-jumped merchant won't be until the Valeryon banner is flying over the Redkeep.

Thud thud

A knock on my chamber door broke my chain of thoughts. As Ser Harold Westerling opened my chamber door, creaking as he did so, he looked haggard and aged; his strength seemed to have faded quite a lot in the previous years; the armour seemed to weigh him down more; his once full head of hair was now completely hairless; his eyes seemed tired and dull; and after the events at Dragonstone, he seemed to have a permanent frown etched onto his face.

Aemon had forced Harold to swallow any complaints he had about Robar killing Ser Arryk with a dragon as large and savage as the cannibal. Along with the Lannister and Hightower political blocks, he had enough political capital to allow Robar and Adella to get away with little to no consequences, and Ser Harold and most of the king's guard didn't appreciate it but were forced to hold their tongues.

"Your grace, I have bought Lord Strong as you requested." Ser Harold spoke in a tired voice as the said lord walked in bowed and went on with the formalities that were expected of him.

"Ah, Lord Strong, it's good to see you after this debacle. You gave me apte advice about the marriage of Rheanyra as well as the vile lies around her; it seems I must ask for your council once more." I spoke even if my voice was lower and more gentle than it should have been as a king.

"I live to serve your grace and shall give my honest advice," he said, his head still bowed as he spoke with reverence in his voice.

"Rheanyra is demanding I execute Aemon, which I obviously can't do, and so she's locked herself away in her chamber and won't step out, and her wedding is on the horizon. The public declaration of his intent to marry Adella has also caused several issues.

Corlys is jumping out of his seat, demanding I end that foolish notion and confirm the Leana and Aemon marriage deal he proposed, and Aemon has already threatened to turn Driftmark to another Harrenhall. If I even think of separating him from Adella, what course do you propose?" I laid out the problems that I was troubled with.

"Your grace, there can be no easy way to say this, but I believe you should exile Prince Aemon from the court," Lord Strong said in an anxious voice.

"Exile, first Daemon; now Aemon is your solution to send every one of my family away. Do I exile Alicent next? Otto and Tyland would never let that stand anyway. You'd replace one problem with another," I said in an agitated voice.

"Your grace allows me to elaborate. Sending Prince Aemon away will allow you to give Princess Rheanyra a semblance of retribution. Along with that, it should allow things to cool off in court. Queen Alicent has already removed Lady Adella as a lady in waiting, so she will be leaving to go back to Casterly Rock and taking Robar with her. That should allow you to more easily convince Prince Aemon to leave king's landing, and without his constant presence at court, it gives us a bit of leeway with Lord Corlys.

My advice for him is to simply refuse and put your foot down. Tell him the heir is enough for him, and if he still complains, a few more golden dragons can be added to Rheanyra's dowery. With Cannibal, we have gained an answer to Vhagar, and Prince Daemon is our answer for Melyes, so the pressure that Corlys would have is weakened as he knows he won't have a chance and he will crub his open defiance.

To convince Prince Aemon, I believe you shall need to frame it less as exile and more as fostering or an opportunity to expand his horizons for him to leave. I would recommend sending to Oldtown, as that would be less opposed by the Queen and Lord Hand." Lord Strong spoke quickly with a hint of fear in his voice.

"That is wise council, and it shall be so Aemon shall leave soon before Rheanyra's wedding. I highly doubt she wants him here, and along with that, I have a duty to set on you." I said calmly.

"Your grace, I shall try my best to serve you and the realm with honour," he said, sounding proud even if he tried to hide it.

"Good, you shall be my new hand." I spoke my voice, conveying my want easily; I would not have him reject it.

"What your grace?" he said in a startled voice.

"Do you see yourself as I'll suit?"I asked a bit annoyed; he wasn't just saying yes; already men walk over others for this position, and he was hesitating.

"No, just Lord Otto has been a competent hand," he said diplomatically.

"He has; however, I believe after recent events his loyalty is not to Rheanyra. I wish to correct that, and you are always honest in your council. I shall have you as my hand." I said my voice sharp, illustrating my unwillingness to hear any words against this.

"Thank you for your grace; I shall not disappoint you." Lord Strong spoke; he seemed to have wised up to the reality of his situation and accepted.

-The End-

So I do owe you an explanation the ones who read my other DC story know the reason simply put I didn't upload cause well my grandmother passed away I had to be out of the country for a few weeks and my mental health was in the shitter so Im sorry for that but hope you enjoyed the first chapter of V2 enjoy and until next time