
Barber Shop

Nova walked along with Stanley, making her way to the barbershop at the corner of the street. They walked into the busy shop and Stanley looked around the place.

The shop was fully white, with the only other colors in the shop coming from the barbers and the customers, as well as the floating heads from holograms that changed continuously. 

A head with long hair changed to one with spiny hairs. A bald head changed to one with fluffy hair. Various different changes were shown to entice the customers into getting different types of hairstyles.

The barbers worked with customers while Stanley and Nova went to sit down on one end.

"Wow, this place is packed," Nova couldn't help but say. "Should we go to another place? We might have to wait for a while."

"It's fine," Stanley said. "Let's wait."

He looked around the shop at the various people who were getting their hair cut and judged them. He then looked at the barbers and judged them as well.

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