
Unanswered Questions

"What are you doing here?" Stanley asked Freddy. "I don't remember you ever taking this job."

"I took it so I had an excuse to come down here," Freddy said. "I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Ah," Stanley realized. "Thanks." 

The man between them loaded up the pig onto the cart and also put the chickens in the cages. He would then take these animals to the 3rd quadrant that was just above here, where they would be butchered for their meat, or sold to butcher shops itself around the town.

The man moved to the next house that was about 20 meters away, while Freddy stayed there to talk with Stanley.

Freddy felt somewhat bad for Stanley. "Are you sure this is what you want? I think I can understand why would want to quit the Defenders, but what's the point of coming to a farm?" he asked.

"Because I'm used to this life," Stanley said simply, not wanting to talk about fighting the crawlers. Freddy didn't need to know that.

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