
Many Topics

Despite not being as weak as everyone said he would be, Stanley still accepted his brother's support as they walked down the slope toward the Defenders' quarters.

Next to him, the old mayor was also walking down slowly, assisted by the giant Illan who was ready to catch him in case he fell over.

Despite Illan easily carrying him, the mayor refused to accept Illan's help while going down the slope. It seemed like despite being old, he liked walking with his own two legs.

Stanley had asked Bradley why the mayor was even going to the Defenders' headquarters in the first place. It wasn't every day that the mayor just decided to leave his mansion, so there must have been something important going around.

"The mayor is giving another speech," Bradley had answered. 

'Another speech,' Stanley thought while sneakily looking at the mayor. 'I wonder what he's going to talk about. He thought of the possible topics and one stood out like a sore thumb.

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