
Brawl at Bar

"Mu-Mufasa!? Is this guy role-playing or something?" The adventurer asked his ally standing behind him, in bewilderment. All he got was a shake of the head.

The adventurer looked at his opponent and spoke "I am a B-Rank adventurer, named Zearl. Who are you?" He was weary of this stranger due to the power displayed in that kick he received.

Tufail Tigor shook his head violently. "No, no, *hic* no. You are Scar and I am Mufasa. Don't *hic* confuse me, I'm not a fool."

"No shit." Cried the mass of people in unison before the adventurer threw a kick at Tufail, who dodged it easily.

"Boss, is he the legendary Drunken Master?" A bandit asked Simba as he stared at the two fighting with his eyes wide open. "Maybe... Those smooth and flowy movements aren't just for show. My buddy is a master, heh, I finally got something to boast about."

Then, all of the adventurers came at Tufail, yet none were able to even touch the drunkard. One was knocked away by his kick while another middle-aged man was hurled away by his punch.

Seeing that, a lady joined the action, throwing daggers and shards with impeccable accuracy. However, what most people spectating the fight noticed about her were her two big milky-white breasts, bouncing around and occasionally peeking through her cleavage.

In response, Tufail stretched his hands as killing intent filles his eyes while the charging woman was reflected in his eyes. She threw another pair of shards but the man named Tufail somehow parried it before launching his counterattack at the same time.

His claws reached towards her neck, who closed her eyes in terror before feeling something strange and reopening her eyes in surprise, realizing that his real target were her breasts. "Ahh, kuchi kuchi koo." Tufail played with her breasts like a baby, kneading, squeezing and pulling, he did it all.

The shock was so tremendous that some even forgot to breathe and fell back into their chairs, barely holding their laughter.

"Kyyaaaaaaahhhh!!" It was then when the lady realised what was happening, crying her lungs out.

"You pervert! How dare you humiliate an adventurer? You're dead, just wait." She shouted at him before running off.

Strangely enough, the whole scene cleared everyone's head and stopped the original fight before it even really started. The purple-dressed man gave one last stare at Tufail before saying. "I will not forget you."

"Huh! Why? I'm not in any debt as far as I can remember." Tufail retorted as he tilted his bottle, already empty. "There wasn't one before, but there is now." Said Zearl.

Tufail giggled. "I'm always ready." While the former simply harrumphed and limped his way out.

"Hurray, all hail Boss Tufail, all hail Boss Tufail!" The bandits of Simba started celebrating and soon after, the others joined in.

"Yo buddy, how did that feel?" Asked Simba, totally forgetting how he was moments away from being arrested.

"Feel *hic* what buddy?" Asked Tufail.

"Those..." he stopped, came in closer, leaned his head close to Tufail's ear and whispered with a smirk. "Jugs."

A smile appeared on his face in turn as he recalled. "Like Jello. Wiggly, soft and warm."

By the time everyone heard that, their inner beasts had already woken up while Tufail said. "I can teach you the ways of getting a girl." He boasted as tears fell from Simba's eyes. "Thank you, buddy, from now on you are our boss."

The others yelled. "Bandit Boss Tufail Tigor, Bandit Boss Tufail Tigor."

"Hahaha, thank you, tha- wait a second. Bandit boss? Me?" Asked Tufail, acting worried for the first time throughout this whole affair.

"Yes, you are the new boss of our Bandit Gang." Said Simba.

Tufail flinched and jumped. "Hold it right there, what are you doing. Argh, goddamn it. I don't want my mug on wanted posters, don't ya eve-"

The bourdon bell interrupted his words as it chimed, alarming the city of an attack. He felt something before quickly dashing away.

"Buddy..." Simba became worried before looking at his bandits. "You guys should go, I think I'm the only one that could be of use to him in helping his friend's son."

"No, we are coming as well!" Replied the bandits.

"That was an order." Simba yelled.

"Kakaka, we're bandits and we don't give a danm about your orders. We'll do what our hearts say."

Simba was lost for words, letting out a bitter laugh before saying. "Let's go and help our new boss then."

Meanwhile, Tufail pierced his way through the crowd, noticing numerous dead bodies of soldiers along the way. His eyes moving from one to another until one that was still alive piqued his interest. A promising big and hulky man around the age of 25 with a sword at his waist.

In front of him laid a defeated man with many wounds with a bloodied big and grey beard and a broken spear.

"How could someone as weak as you get the title of Great General, you are putting that title to shame." Said the man with a sword at his waist before the defeated man spat out some blood and responded "Guess the Five Empire Alliance doesn't know the words dignity and honour, attacking our small peaceful kingdom in broad daylight for a simple Fire Fate Pome. I pray that you all rot in hell!"

The bloodied man was none other than the Great General Bulbo, the symbol of power in the Moro Kingdom.

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