
Bloodied Drunk

The commander was caught off guard. "No... she lives far away from here."

Tufail rubbed his head, his face showing signs of disappointment. "Oh *hic*, excuse me then, I gotta find whose mother that was then. You know *hic*, she really had some large breasts, like some really, really large ones. You understand what I'm saying? Like... *hic*, like some actual watermelons."

"I fully understand, now I too am curious about whose mother she was." Replied the commander.

"You... *hic*, are you sure your mother's not from around here? She had a few hair strands around her nipples, red like your moustache actually." Said the drunk as he squinted his eyes to inspect the moustache.

The commander was calm, unlike Jack. "I'm pretty confident that she wasn't here" he answered. "I believe you, Mr. Commander. Although it's a shame, but... fate says that we cannot be father and son today."

Tufail gave a half-assed salute prior to saying. "Then, I shall take my leave *hic*." However, just as he was about to take a step, he was halted by the commander. "Pardon, but I need something you possess."

"What is it, Mr. Commander? This Tufail will even give his life for this mighty kingdom" He answered standing straight after which, the commander slid his arm around the former's neck and uttered. "It's something you treasure more than your own life."

Tufail confusedly stared at the red-haired man before his eyes widened in surprise. "Don't tell me you're here for that?"

"Yes, give me what I want and no one will know of what happened here today." Tufail violently shook his head before responding. "Forgive me, Mr. Commander. But my seed is reserved only for widows and the divorced... mostly the divorced."

Everyone gasped, especially the soldiers, bewildered by the drunk's stupidity. While the commander sighed. "You leave me no other choice then."

Before anyone could see anything, a loud blast was heard, spreading dust within the bar. When it settled down, a huge hole could be seen in the wall. Neither Tufail nor the commander were inside any longer.

Tufail coughed out the dust in his mouth as he opened his eyes and found himself laying on the rubble. "I told you, I can't give you my seed. Forcing me is the same as abusing your official powers, I'll sue you."

With another loud blast, the commander stomped Tufail's head. "I'll ask you one more time. Where is your halberd, Claret?"

"Halberd? Clazef? I don't know either of them." Answered Tufail as he tried to lift the foot on this head. However, before he could, another one kicked him in his stomach, making him puke out all of today's liquor.

"Sir, what wrong deed have I committed?" Asked Tufail with a helpless look on his face as a crowd gathered around before being stopped by the soldiers from going further. It was the first time they'd ever seen the town's clown being beaten so badly in such a one-sided fashion, his bloodied head and nose clear for all to see.

The beating continued as the sounds of bones shattering and the sight of crimson blood flowing was seared into the crowd's eyes and minds.

"Such a shame," said the commander as he landed another brutal kick at the temple. However, despite the power behind it, the drunkard didn't move, indicating his loss of consciousness.

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop! Why is an officer such as yourself committing a crime in open daylight!" Yelled the man who tried to calm the fat man before.

"Stop!" A raspy voice boomed, as an old man walked out of the newly made hole in the bar. He walked slowly towards the oppressor and the oppressed, as the soldiers raised their swords. "You cannot step any further." Said one of them before being thrown out of sight with a mere wave of the newcomer's hand, without a single word of acknowledgment.

"Officer, you should know the Soul Bar is affiliated with the Adventurer's Guild. That drunken clown is a member of my bar. I can ignore what has happened here today but if you continue... I will consider it as a direct insult upon the Adventurer's Guild." The raspy voice of this old man was in fact the owner of this bar.

"Hmm." The commander hummed as he looked at the old man before looking at Tufail disappointedly. "I can't believe you are the same Tufail Tigor that I once looked up to. It seems the legend of Blood Drunk Halberd was nothing but a farce." The moustached man spat before walking away as Tufail's eyes remained shut as if dead.

"Ahh, I almost forgot why I came to you..." the red haired man stopped before uttering as he looked at the bloodied Tufail with a side-eye. "That thing... it's still alive!"

The seemingly dead eyes suddenly opened as Tufail shouted. "What?!" The man in blood stood up akin to a bolt of flickering lightning, shocking the bystanders.

"Huh, He was still conscious?"

"What did you just say?" Asked Tufail before the commander chuckled in response. " Hahaha. So, you really are the Tufail Tigor of legend."

"Don't beat around the bush and answer my question!" This different version of Tufail urged, juxtaposed to his past lethargic self. Seeing the change, the old man stepped in, "Stay there, captain."

"I'm a commander, not a captain." Retorted official.

"Zip it, officer. I wasn't referring to you." It was then that the commander had a sudden hunch that the old man might've been trying to stop Tufail instead.

"It's not worth it, cap, let me talk to him," said the old man. Tufail pivoted his head towards the old man and sighed after a while. "Then hurry up, Maron, that bastard has revived an old wound that should've been left undisturbed."

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