
The Master of Puppet (4)

The whole place rumbled as the ground quaked beneath their feet. A low, ominous rumble filled the air, growing louder and more intense with each passing second. The very earth seemed to shudder in response to Harpie's command, and Damien's eyes widened as he watched the ground around them begin to shift and churn.

And then, as if rising from the very depths of the underworld, a hundred thousand hands suddenly burst forth from the ground. Skeletal fingers clawed their way into the moonlit night, emerging from long-forgotten graves and burial sites. The sight was a macabre dance of death and rebirth, a horrifying spectacle that sent a shiver down Damien's spine.

The hands writhed and grasped at the air, their bony fingers flexing as they sought their way out of the earth's embrace. It was as if the very ground had come alive, responding to Harpie's command to unleash the army of the deceased.

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