
The poison of macabre! (2)

But no matter the teamwork, if the number is too much then there's only one thing they can do. Run!

And they ran. Slashing at enemies and made their way to the entrance of the building. Once they were all inside Viper shut the door closed and jammed it with a sword littered on the ground from the battles before them.

"They must be on the top floor," Viper said to the Summer King, her voice was calm but the tension in her shoulders and her expression told everyone else that she was anything but.

The Summer King nodded. "Let us proceed."

The group started climbing up the stairs, Viper leading them as they made their way through the stairwell to the upper floor. There were already dead bodies lying at the stairs, some were City's and some were Autumn, but they didn't stop to check if they were alive or not.

They didn't understand why they were not turned yet but they made their way to the top of the floor without any problem.

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