
Leave her

"Remember, Gabriel, you owe me. I will come asking for my pay." Gabriel's uncle blurted out while he directed a mischievous smirk at Gabriel.


I needed no one to tell me that what he would ask from Gabriel wouldn't be something of monetary value. It would be something devious, something that would take a lot from Gabriel.


Instead of giving a response to his uncle, Gabriel dug one of his hands underneath my legs and the other hand on my back. In one swoop, I was taken off the table and was now taken in bridal style.


"Don't count your eggs before they hatch. I will have to see the results before I can promise you any sh*t." And without waiting for his uncle to say a word, Gabriel turned to face the door.


With slow steps, he approached the door, but before he could take hold of the door knob, Gabriel's uncle's voice echoed. "Since my nephew turned out to be too rude to intrude on his uncle, I will do so. My name is Kaleb."

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