
Chapter 128 - Almost Fainted From The Stress  

A prenup.

It took immense willpower to not spit out my food as they said that. It is not like I was not aware of a prenup happening when I get married. Prior to Celeste, my parents explained how the division of my assets would go and the best way to get the most from my marriage. They wanted me prepared and to always be successful. The reason I was shocked is because they actually were ok with my marriage as it stands currently.

Or at least willing to let me marry Sol.

However, that initial happiness soon became dread as Sol clenched her fist and I could see her face twist red in anger. I did not have to be Einstein to know that this would piss off Sol. Back when we started seeing each other in college she asked about the prenup I had with Celeste.

"Our prenup? Why do you want to know about that? It is super boring to be honest. Lots of business merger jargon." Truthfully that prenup was a bane of my existence. For both myself and my family. 

I knew her family would be concerned over what stakes we would get and what protections she would have but not to the extent I thought it was. It was weeks worth of back and forth and bringing every document available for the businesses we owned. Legitimately every document down to any napkins with business proposals or numbers. 

Her legal team looked at everything we owned and drafted clause after clause of assets that would be beneficial for us, as well as what was off limits. Very few things were set to go under my name. It was primarily stocks but still, each bond was worth more than what I make in a year. However other goodies were untouchable but I was willing to take what I could get. 

I was also tired of fighting with the lawyers and doing all this back and forth.

In the past, any person who married a D'Angelo would get everything. But that was because it was staying in the family as the men inherited it. But Celeste was the first woman in her family to be the heir, or rather heiress. So different measures were taken to preserve the family legacy and name. 

This made my mother so angry as she anticipated a full transfer of ownership. In her mind it would be the golden age of the Carter Era. Despite her gripes, the experience made her really good at drafting these things as she worked personally with our family lawyer to ensure I was getting as much as I can in the marriage. Of course this was all drafted before we entered college thus before I met Sol. So I had every intention of getting as much from this marriage as I expected Celeste and I as end game.

"Yeah I want to know about it! I feel like this is something you see in movies or on TV. Did you sign an NDA or something? Is that why you don't want to talk about it?" This was when I officially asked Sol to date me so she began exploring more about me as a person. Her face pulled up close to mine and I could not think clearly.

She smelled really good and the glint in her eye was heavenly. Unlike Celeste where a wet napkin had more personality than her. Her eyes and proximity broke down any inhibitions or reservations I had so I told her in layman terms what the prenup was about.

I suppose I might have contributed to how bad getting a prenup sounds as her face lost the glow as I progressed with the details. She scrunched her nose in disgust and scoffed. "That seems too extra. I could never." It was then paused before giving me pleading eyes. "When we get married would you make me sign a prenup?"

If I wore short sleeves she would have seen the goosbumps. I instantly felt bad because truthfully regardless of what she says, for us to get married, she would have to sign one. But I did not want to break her heart.

"I would never make you sign one." As she hugged me in relief, I glanced to the side. Fully aware of my deception. 'My mother will however.' And right on the money I was. When we had argued over our marriage, she made it very clear that she did not accept Sol as a daughter in law.

Whenever I asked why she would turn purple from anger and yell about raising an idiot for a son. 

I stayed to finish dinner and spent some time to go over the wedding details with my parents. While I would have preferred Sol there to also place her input, I knew she took a major blow so I let her get some space.

By the time I went up to sleep, Sol was already in bed asleep but she did not look peaceful. Her face was scrunched and swollen from her anger and tears. I felt that pang in my heart for causing her to be in that predicament. However my hands were tied.

I glanced at her hand and saw she was clutching her phone. 'Who did she call?' I knew better but the curiosity gnawed at me. Her phone was locked but I knew the code. I checked her call log and she only called someone named 'FR my bestie'.

'For real my bestie?' I did not understand what that lingo was supposed to me but I chalked it up to it being some girl trend I was unaware of. Besides I was exhausted from the day I was having so I planned to ask her tomorrow.

Work went on as usual but I heard whispers as people gossiped about the latest news. "What imbecile would try to walk in without an appointment?" It was nearing lunchtime so many people were eating at their desks or getting together to eat as a group outside.

I did not have much interest until more details were released. And when it was I almost fainted from the stress. 

new chapter! back to felix since that last chapter was from a while ago!

jklenacreators' thoughts
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