
Chapter 46 - Dime

"It has been a while, I am not too sure if you remember me but my name is Sol Banks. I am a journalist and will be conducting your interview today."

She jut out her hand for me to shake. In her words alone she felt different than when we first met at the party and again at the aquarium. Both times she exuded more like a girl next door type of vibe. Here she felt serious. I suppose amongst her family and lover, she would behave differently. After all I do the same.

Deans warning and my own perception of this woman are different and honestly confusing. Am I reading into her wrong and mistaking her actions to mean something else entirely? She could just be serious about her work, she claimed she wanted to be my friend but I have no desire to honor her request.

'Lets keep her at a cool distance and see what she is really like.'

I extended my hand but only gave a light shake and pulled away immediately. "Happy to be interviewing with Charter Magazine. Each company has a different way of proceeding, would you like to take pictures first and then begin the interview or the other way around?"

Her face was like an open book, her emotions visible. She seemed both pleased at the fact I did not dismiss her but also taken aback at my professionalism. She looked at the itinerary. "Lets do photos first and then begin the interview. She looked disdainfully at what I assume to be the roster of questions she was tasked to ask.

"Sure." The young photographer directed me for the photos based on the space in my office. She took a few at my desk and a few by the floor to ceiling windows I had overlooking the city. It was a little past noon so the lighting was nice only needing a few artificial lights to make up for any odd shadows.

"Wow you photograph great! Your hair looks even more vibrant. Is it your natural color?" The photographer, whose name I learned to be Eve, was very friendly. Her directions were clear and she showed me the photos every so often so I could see how it was looking.

At this moment we took yet another break while she loaded up the photos to her laptop for me to view. "Hm yeah it is natural, it runs on my fathers side of the family." So far the photos looked fine and according to Eve she will retouch a few and have me select which ones I liked the best.

"Wow! Doesn't your family come from Italy? I thought all Italians have dark hair." She looked in wonder at my hairs hues.

"Normally yes but a small percentage of the population can have red hair." I mused looking intently at the photos. I never felt photogenic growing up. My dad is notorious for not only taking awful photos of my mom and I but he has folders of those photos on his computer.

So as a result I never posted much to social media unless I had too. I guess having a professional photographer versus and an amateur dad makes a world of difference.

"Alright I am wrapped up here. Thanks so much for bearing with my directions, I will edit these nicely. In the meantime, I will sit back here quietly until you are finished Sol."

Eve moved her items out of the way to allow for us to begin. I sat on one side of the living room area while Sol took the other. She pulled out a small recorder as well as a notebook and a folder filled with documents.

"Lets begin." She turned on the recorder and turned to face me. "So the way I like to do interviews is by conversation. Speak as freely as you like and relax."

"So tell me about yourself. Who is Celeste D'Angelo?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her style and line of questioning. "My name is Celeste D'Angelo. I am 26 years old and am currently the owner and CEO to my jewelry company, Dime. In addition I run a the Children of Hope foundation which right now is partnering with the Cortez family in the art exhibition themed 'To live in passion'." It was a simple introduction.

"You are also forgetting sole heiress to the nations largest conglomerate family." I did not react to her words which felt like an attack. "I figured most people would know that information which can be redundant. Considering the demographic of consumers for this magazine."

My voice did not change tone. "Ahhh just in case I suppose." She laughed but I could not tell if it was real. "Anyways regarding your foundation and jewelry business what challenges did you have setting them up."

At this point none of the questions that were approved were asked. I gave her leeway with the first one as its a contextual question but the second one felt baited.

But they were safe to answer. So I continued. "Children of Hope is a project that was the most difficult to start and had many obstacles but is one I am most passionate of. I had started the foundation as a passion project in college. My church runs volunteer events and at the time I was just about to begin university. So I attended and assisted with an activity day for children with severe illnesses. I saw not only was a child burdened by their ailments but also feeling responsible for their parents and their lack of normalcy. I wanted to contribute in a way that was meaningful but also support many families across the nation, not just the ones nearest to me."

"So with some guidance from my professors I started the foundation. As for my jewelry business I started that after I graduated. My grandfather on my mothers side of the family is an avid hiker and has always mailed me stones he has found on his trips."

I smiled lightly at that memory. Grandpa Beau sent me little 'treasure' finds from his hikes in the midwest mountainous range. Both him and Nana June find the city life too busy for their lifestyle.

"So I used to make little bracelets and necklaces using fishing wire and beads from the craft store which led to my current shop now. I named it Dime because thats what my grandfather would call the stones he sent me."

I should have stopped the interview when I caught on because her next question not only was not what we discussed but also a memory of an incident I wanted erased from living memory.

new chapter up! :) enjoy!

jklenacreators' thoughts
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