

After the doctor left, Jocelyn walked over to the table and arranged the flasks in order so that the soups wouldn't get cold. 

"I forgot her experience was traumatizing," Arissa felt regretful, "I'm not good for anyone. I keep on causing damage in everyone's life," 

Jocelyn finished with the soups and moved over to her friend. Getting to her, she held Arissa's hand, "I'm surprised you still think of yourself this way," She gave out a light chuckle to lighten the atmosphere but Arissa's expression remained heavy and regretful. 

Jocelyn sighed, "Look, you are a blessing to everyone. You made sure to touch the lives you met along the way and I think it's time you stop dragging everyone along and think about yourself first," She appreciated her. 

Arissa took in a deep breath, "I'm heartless, Lyn, I wish I was you, I wish I could be you," she said close to tears for the second time. 

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