
He Accepts To Be Deceived On This.

Collins's eyes grew impossibly wide seeing who stood before him. He turned to Nicklaus with his eyes searching for an explanation but to his disappointment, Nicklaus turned away and nodded to the man at the door. 

This was the man I saw with Adele's lookalike. Wait! Don't tell me the lady is the one on the bed. Collins thought in astonishment. If so, he was proud of Arissa. 

His heartbeat fastened when he felt Nicklaus's aura. A part of him told him that the man beside him could be the main reason for all of this but Collins refused to believe that. 

If he deceives himself refusing to believe so, then this time, he accepts to be deceived on this. 

Catching the sight of the doctor, Stephen felt a rush of relief rushing through him. He found it hard to believe. He thought this day would never come. 

"Oh, my Lord!" Stephen said with tears crawling to his eyes and struggling to come out of them. He turned to Nicklaus, "Thank you so much, son," 

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