
A Harsh One.

Arissa was bearly able to control her emotions. When the door was opened from the inside, she stood thunderstruck by guilt on her parent's behalf. 

She took in the man said to be Adele's father and she swear the man before her was not okay. He was being eaten from the inside. Her heart immediately bled for the man, his whole collarbones were pointy with sacks of black bags under his eyes. 

He could pass as someone customized for a zombie character in a movie. A wave of sad emotions filled her heart. She somehow imagined this for a grieving couple but never expected it. 

How much this man have suffered was glaring on his face. His wife on the hospital bed with a lost daughter would never be a story she would want to hear about. 

"Mr. Wyatt," Stephen acknowledged with a flat sad tone the moment he opened the door. "Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Wyatt," he stretched his hand for a handshake. 

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