
What Living Feels Like.

Geal stared at Nicklaus like he had lost his mind. "Why don't you back away now? You don't have to wait until things go south."

Nicklaus passed Geal a lazy glare before shifting his eyes back to the papers he was forced on before Arissa then appearance. 

Geal sighed at Nicklaus's determination to ignore him and go on with his - Nicklaus - conception. "Trust me, when things begin to go south, you would be stuck with her, and leaving wouldn't be an option, it would become something you can't do."

Nicklaus signed on one of the files before closing it. Opening another, he stared long at Geal. "Geal, if I'm being honest, Arissa doesn't seem like someone I should be scared of loving."

Geal disagreed. "She would make you feel that way until it's time for her to strike. Nicklaus as a brother I'm pleading with you to get your life back. She isn't worth any of these efforts." 

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