
A Friend Or A Foe (2)

With unknown feelings, Arissa's feet halted, and she turned to the hospital ward window with a smile. She tried to get past the window after catching a glimpse of the couple in there but that was impossible as the couple warmed her heart. 

With a toothless smile of admiration, she rooted with all focus as she watched the couple. She hardly does this but the couple inside were worth all the attention she gave to them.

She can't see their faces as the woman's back was facing her while the man's face was very close to the woman's as he seems to be kissing her. 

An entertained expression painted her face as she held the window railings and watches the couple with all respect from the small holes. 

And then, she remembered her parents. Though she once thought they loved each other even when she believed they were in love, she has never seen them give out this strong healthy aura the couple in the ward emitted. 

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