

Nicklaus's eyes tightened as he reviewed the file his PA just passed over to him from one of his business partners seated here inside the meeting room.

"What do you mean by this?" Nicklaus asked as he closed the file and watched the greedy glutton.

Robert cleared his throat, "That is how I plan to launch our next product and it would increase our income greatly,"

"By greed?" Nicklaus asked as he watched the man with his eyes, cold and calculating, "Was that why you requested a moment after the meeting,"

Robert let out a smile as he misinterpreted this young CEO's words, "Yes. I mean_"

"Our partnership is cut off at this instant, Mr. Robert," Nicklaus said calmly as he leaned back on his chair and waited for what the man would say.

Mr. Robert's face turned sour in an instant as his heart drooped into his stomach. Did he hear wrong or something?

Robert gave out an awkward laugh as he leaned forward on the table to explain further, "This would be a_"

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