

"Master!" Bogsu eyes glistened in shock as she saw Lin Wei standing before her.

"Hmph, guess all that training was for nothing you are still as dumb as ever, how could you forget a man, what if his arrow had hit you." Lin Wei scolded harshly but worry could be noticed in his voice, he was worried about Bogsu since she was careless and arrogant, so when he heard about the war Lin Wei decided to go ahead of the soldiers to meet them on the battlefield but who knew he would end up running into them on his way there.

The soldiers jaws dropped in awe as they looked at the man who had the guts to speak to their crazy General in that manner, wasn't it afraid.

"I could have handled it though, no need to worry so much about me, I can protect myself." Bogsu shrugged indifferently.

"Since we are here already and the informant already knows, I guess I should just tell you all why we are here and have been journeying since the past two days." Bogsu decided to explain to the soldiers since the traitor was already able to pass the message to the extent an ambush was laid, Bogsu did not think there was any need to hide the purpose of going through the woods anymore.

"We are heading towards the battle field, and the people that just attacked us now are probably from the Min nation, so from here henceforth nobody should let their guard down, if you die it's all on you." Bogsu added coldly, she was still in disbelief that despite her close monitoring the traitor was still able to contact Min nation, Bogsu really wanted to praise the guy for how he managed to get passed her.

The soldiers were stunned suddenly realizing that the hunt was just a fluke so that the traitor wouldn't be able to know where they were really headed, so that means their General was not crazy, right?

"You see that stream over there, we cross that and we are 5 hours closer to the battle ground, so prepare your mind, raise each other spirits up, for the dead soldier and for the land, It's time for WAR!!" Bogsu yelled filled with enthusiasm causing the soldiers spirit to rise in anticipation, yes this was for their land and for their people, they would fight with their lives at stake, The soldiers started hooting in response.

"I never knew you were such a motivator." Lin Wei muttered into Bogsu ears, "I was just saying what they wanted to hear, the only reason why am going for this war is because it has been a long time since I spilled blood freely." Bogsu replied nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.

Lin Wei felt his hope was just dashed,he knew it, if not for the fact that this is an avenue to make trouble without being questioned or restrained, Bogsu would have never accepted to go to war at all, good thing he came to put her in place anytime she wants to do something stupid.

Lin Wei looked up to see Bogsu glaring angrily at Alice who whimpered in return, Lin Wei shaked his head feeling pity for it, he could roughly guess what was going on, Bogsu was angry at Alice for entering the water and getting her body wet.

"You don't have faith in your master, if not you would not run when the archers were firing and would have stood boldly, now you have gotten your body all wet, what if you catch a chill." Bogsu scolded angrily, Alice was at a dilemma she was just trying to protect herself from being hit from arrows.

Alice shook her body aggressively to get rid of the water on her body looking back at Bogsu as if expecting a praise, but Bogsu glared at her before mounting a horse pushing the person originally riding it away, it was now Alice turn to be angry as she glared at the innocent horse that was dragged into the Master and Pet fight.

Bogsu kicked the horse as it jumped over the stream with full force heading for the battle field, Alice followed closely beside occasionally looking at the horse in spite while Lin Wei trodded behind on his own horse with the army following closely behind them.

Soon they reached a cliff as Bogsu dragged the rein of the horse causing it to neigh as it raised it's two legs up before landing back down.

From the cliff Bogsu overlooked the battle ground trying to access the formation that would be taken by her army in face of the other army.

Bogsu put her hands In front of her face trying to block the sunlight as she squinted her eyes to look further and she saw a fading smoke, sure enough the enemy was getting closer.

Bogsu went down the hill to meet the Army that patiently stood there waiting for her orders, "We would camp here, it is much closer to a water source and the forest where we can hunt for meat." Bogsu ordered making Lin Wei shake his head in amusement, he knew that although Bogsu sounded concerned about her soldiers and what they may eat, she was more worried about what she would put in her belly, the girl would indeed never change.

"Am heading out." Bogsu announced not bothering if anybody heared her or not, she climbed on Alice back whose fur has already dried up from walking in the sun, Alice turned back to look at the horse giving it a smug look of victory while the horse looked taken a back at the look he received when he was innocent.

"I know you are wondering where we are going." Bogsu told curious Alice as she was looking left and right in confusion.

After Bogsu caught onto her thought Alice felt slightly ashamed because of it.

"I want to scout and see if there are any enemies hanging around the area." Bogsu added making Alice finally calm down and relax.

As they went on, something fell from the tree bushes suddenly, landing on Alice back as a hand grabbed Bogsu by the neck holding a Knife against her throat.

"Who are you and why are you tailing me?" A deep husky voice asked.

Hey guys, this is to inform you that i won't be updating as frequent as before, I am writing a very important exam and have a tight schedule, sorry if I keep you hanging.

M_deecreators' thoughts
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