
85. Back to the past (2): Prophecy.

"What happened next?" Alexina simply asks Helfer, also holding down a fuming Ligo with one hand. Helfer smiles sweetly at her before continuing... 

"He was not patient enough, he thought he had enough army and strength to go against the Great Wyvern of the East... but he was wrong. Emperor Tulehin Gaja had already known about Gonozs' treacherous plans, and when Gonozs had struck, he met his doom."

"He was the chief high priest of Raakshas, so it was against the laws of the land to kill him. So instead, Emperor Tulehin Gaja locked his powers within him, and sealed him in the deepest darkest part of the Himemi ocean with an Aarmarhkan seal."

"I've heard of the Aarmarhkan seal, it is impossible to break." Alexina blinks confused. 

"Again, nothing is impossible mistress, it is just very hard." 

Next chapter