
His wavering heart (2)

''I wonder if she knew about that day,'' Dante blinked away the memories and continued to watch his wife secretly.

'Did the maid tell her?'

For some reason, he wanted to know, but when he recalled the maid's disdain, he inwardly laughed at himself for having expectations as the latter would never tell her madam about him.

Seeing that his wife was awake, Dante turned away from the scene as he undoubtedly knew those warm eyes that looked at the unborn child would never look at him the same way.

His wife's current behavior had made one thing clear to him. 'She doesn't love him anymore.' And that realization brought that uncomfortable feeling to his heart again.

In a way, it was funny, as those eyes had followed him for years.

''Your grace,'' Spencer's voice disturbed his thoughts about his wife once he had gotten out of the garden. He stared at the butler coming with an envelope, and his sharp eyes caught onto the golden color.

'The Emperor?'

'What does he want?'

''His majesty called for you to the imperial palace right now, and his order was for you to bring the envelope along,'' Spencer revealed.

''I should bring this along?'' asked the now confused duke.

'Is the information something that cannot be written?'

''Yes, Baron Sylvester said so,'' Spencer replied.

''Then let's go.'' The duke said and left the garden area but not before giving one last glance.

It did not take long for the duke to change from his white shirt and black pants to his aristocratic clothes. Adjusting the side cape on his shoulder, Spencer gelled his hair backward, and he was ready to meet the emperor of the Asterian empire.


''The sun shines on the imperial family, greetings, your imperial majesty.''

There were no words after his respectful greeting, making the dante think that he had done something wrong.

''..Duke hayes, you are rather popular than before..'' A cold baritone voice came from above the duke. ''I don't think I like the reason for the popularity. What do you say, duke?''

In other words, your actions displease me.

''Your majesty need not be concerned about me,'' Dante gave his answer to the emperor.

In other words, mind your business.

''Haha...Only you can talk right back, duke. Raise your head.''

At the emperor's command, dante stood upright and stared at the most powerful man in the empire.

Thick hair that was black like the feather of a crow; a symbol of the imperial family, and gleaming aloof golden eyes rumored to be a curse in the past. His index finger near his temple with other fingers resting on the sharp edge of his chin, his elbow on the arm of the throne seat and his leg crossed over the other. His presence exuded deep arrogance that could never be hidden, and the corner of his lips curled into a smirk that showed his amusement for the duke.

This was the most powerful person in the Asterian empire; Emperor Alexander Crawford.

''You called for me, your majesty?'' Dante went straight to the point.

''Always to the point…That's one of the reasons I liked you.''

Dante noticed the past tense in the sentence, which made him slightly vigilant against the emperor.

''Why does your majesty say so?''

''My wife has taken a liking to your duchess, which is a first as she dislikes nobility,'' The emperor's passionless eyes have a hint of warmth at the mention of the empress.

''Your rumors do you no good, and she had the privilege of meeting the mistress. My wife is someone who can sense people's intentions at any time. She told me to give you a little warning, duke. 'You would regret your actions.' '' The emperor said the last sentence which was the empress's words to Dante.

He clenched his hands at the word mistress. He did not expect the imperial family to intervene in his matter.

'Why couldn't people see the good in Annalise?' He thought.

''What if her imperial majesty is wrong?''

''She can never be wrong,'' was the emperor's immediate reply to him

''Duke Hayes should be more aware of her true origins, so you don't have anything to defend your silly actions. Frankly speaking, I have more reasons to suspect that mistress of yours because of her hair color.'' Golden eyes narrowed dangerously at Dante, who swallowed his next words.

He had to remind himself that he was speaking to the emperor of the Asterian empire. He could not be rash in his actions.

''Why does your majesty say so?''

''That suspicious organization in the neighboring empire. The crown prince seemed to have caught traces of them, and his spies mentioned a lady with golden hair.'' The emperor revealed while tapping the throne with his other fingers that rested on the arm. ''Her origins were investigated, and it says she was a slave bought by the master of that organization.''

An organization called noid. Two rulers suspected it to be the killer of the first crown prince of the Assyrian empire. The current crown prince has a deep relationship with the emperor of the Asterian empire. If not because of that friendship, the two empires would be at war just like in the past.

The emperor continued, ''As far as the crown prince knows, there is no golden hair in the empire, and the only person with that hair in this empire which is your mistress.''

The emperor was not the one to tell lies. Dante knew, but he also knew that Annalise was also one not to lie to him. They have been together for four years, and he had thoroughly investigated her origins to make sure she was clean before pursuing his love for her.

Now the emperor was telling him that the person who slept by his pillow might not be who she truly says she is.

Who should he believe? The emperor or his lover?

Dante never thought a decision like this would come to his doorstep. Nevertheless, he still wanted to believe Annalise, as he knew her love for him was true. He could see it in her eyes.

''I-I need some time...to think, your majesty,'' Dante said hesitantly to the emperor.

The emperor stared at him for a while and agreed, ''Alright then, the duke can think, but time is ticking. If that woman is truly the suspect, the duke should forgive me, but I will eliminate anything that disturbs the peace of my empire, even if you stand in my way.''

Dante knows that...He knows the emperor was not the one to lie. Someone who could kill his father, and his step-family in cold blood wouldn't blink at the death of another woman.

''Yes, your majesty.''


''Did he heed my warning?''

The emperor, rumored to be a cold-hearted person by the nobility, closed the door to the room of his wife, his dear empress in the imperial palace.

''You did not ask how your husband's day went, instead you speak of another man.'' A mischievous smile appeared on his lips, different from his interaction with duke hayes. ''I should punish you, my love.''

The empress chuckled at her husband's tease, ''Yes, Yes, but our son might not allow that, your imperial majesty.''

''I thought I stopped you from calling me that,'' He frowned, clearly displeased. '' Your punishment would be doubled. It seems the empress won't be able to walk well by tomorrow.''

''And that brat, why don't you hand him over to the nanny?''

The empress in her nightgown, shook her head at the jealousy her husband had over his own son. ''He's my son. Why should I hand him over when I can take care of him?''

Upon getting close to the bed, the emperor sat beside his empress on the edge of the bed and looked at the tiny creature sleeping in her arms.

He poked the chubby cheeks with his index finger. Amazement flashed in his golden eyes. ''He's still small.''

''Yes, but he is five months old.'' The empress smiled and lowered her lips to her baby's forehead. After kissing him, She stood up to gently lay him on his tiny bed and covered him with the fluffy blanket.

Arms went around her waist, and she tilted her head to see the emperor, who was still gazing at his son. Even if he complained about their child taking most of her time, it could not change the fact that he loved him just as much as she does.

''Happy?'' she questioned with a smile.

They have come a long way from the past, and the heavens finally blessed them with happy moments and a precious gift. They were satisfied as nothing else mattered than the love they had for each other and now, the fruit of their love.

He turned his gaze to her and nodded with a tender smile, ''Happy.''

''But that..'' He gently carried her figure into his arms and completed his sentence, ''..cannot stop you from the punishment, my dear empress.''

The empress hooked her arms around his neck, laughing at his eager golden eyes but still asked about duke hayes, ''You didn't answer my question.''

The emperor placed her on the bed and started unbuttoning his white shirt. ''I don't think he will listen, but I gave him my warning.''

His words did not surprise the empress. She expected that.

''The duchess is a good person. Unfortunately, she was paired with someone like him,'' the empress murmured, then looked at the now shirtless emperor. ''Husband, I am about to do something in five months. I will tell you about it later, but I wish for your support.''

''You still have time to think about something else, Larisa. However..'' His knee touched the soft surface of the bed. He then swung the other over the empress and stared at her like a predator cornering his prey with both hands beside her head. ''You have my support anytime, any day, darling.''

He hovered over her petite body and lowered his lips an inch to hers. The mood in the room changed instantly, and their breath mixed together.

''And the baby?'' The empress asked softly.

''We will be quiet,'' was the emperor's reply before his lips descended on hers.

>>>🤭I did say there would be romance between other leads🤭. Anyways, say hello my emperor and empress😁. Yes they do have a story of their own and it's quite long. I would have to write another story on that( which is not happening anytime soon until I am done with this series), but you will see some things about them in this story. As always, Vote Vote Vote my dear readers.<<<

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