
Chapter 255: Meet The Four Demon (part 2)

As Cambion waited, he took a moment to gaze around the corridor. The intricate patterns carved into the walls, the soft glow of the crystals embedded in the stone.

His thoughts shifted back to the present as he saw Hyr returning. There was a sense of purpose in Hyr's steps, a determination that told Cambion the demons were being properly informed. As Hyr approached, Cambion could sense a newfound undercurrent of respect in his demeanor.

"They are ready to receive you, my Lord," Hyr announced, his voice steady. "Please, allow me to guide you to them."

Cambion nodded, appreciating Hyr's diligence. As he followed Hyr back to the chamber, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation. The encounter with the four demons promised to be a pivotal moment in his mission. Their reactions, their words, and their presence would offer insights that could shape his next steps.

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