
Chapter 232: Revival (part 1)

As they toiled day and night, they also noticed that the daily attacks of the undead lessened. It seemed the monsters had learned to fear the barrier of the Celestial Haven, realizing that this base was no longer an easy target.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the alliance leaders stood atop one of the completed towers, surveying their creation with a sense of pride.

"We did it," Lady Xin said, a smile gracing her face. "Our base is now a force to be reckoned with."

Yara chuckled, "Who would have thought that from ruins, we could build such a remarkable fortress?"

Captain Zao raised his axe in the air, "To our alliance's strength and the protection of the Celestial Haven!"

"To our alliance!" they all echoed, raising their weapons and hands in unison.

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