It's been two days since Hikaru accepted her request and now he came head to head with her ferocious hounds. "What's the matter, newbie? Can't take a hit or are ya just a pussy who got all lucky? If you want to go to your bunker, then fight me~"
Hikaru slugged the first guard in his chin and followed by a kick in the liver and he finished off by grabbing ahold of his head and slamming it through the wall. "Anyone else?"
The guards backed away while some screamed for their lives. He sighed and proceeded on his way to his lodgings after a long and tiresome day from work. Why was he here in the first place? Even Hikaru himself was reminded of this reasoning once his first day of service had ended
Yesterday 4:37 pm
It was past their schedule and everyone was going home, but these two sophomores were different. "Do you know why I called for you?"
It was his first day as her servant and here he was summoned by the orders of his employer Karin Hashimoto. "I don't know what you're talking about, milady. Didn't I do what you asked? I distance myself from Majima, I tutored you and lastly, I kept a close eye on you~"
"The first two things you did as I said… but what about the third? Let me say it once again. I hired you as my bodyguard! That means you'll have to monitor me will become your top priority," Even though her orders were one-sided Hikaru smiled when this line was overly familiar even before the game became a reality
Hikaru gave off a smug expression and answered. "How unlucky I am that I didn't take this into account. Damn it, whatever shall I do…? Oh, that's right. I heard Sana has some new neighbors. Let's talk to her and ask if I can stay in the night,"
Hikaru never once asked Sana about her neighbors. But if this twisted reality was anywhere comparable to the game, then her neighbor would undoubtedly be Karin. He hit the mark with his sarcastic tone and his smug expression deliberately targeted her inner yuri
Hikaru was about to leave and greet Sana but before he could do so, he felt a tight grip keeping him at bay. "Who the hell said you're allowed to bother anyone else? You're the lapdog of the heir of the Hashimoto group, you'll sleep in my penthouse just like the rest. Don't even think about tattling to my princess, got it!!?"
Hikaru turned to face her irritated face and said." Will do milady! I'll be leaving first to pack my belongings. Don't be late or else I'll tattle on Sana!"
With that, he left, and half an hour later, a luxurious car parked near his apartment along with his employer. "Hurry up peasant! You're the servant here. You shouldn't test the patience of your employer!"
"I'm over here!" Hikaru answered her calls and appeared before her back
Karin was dumbfounded when she saw Hikaru's looks for the very first time since he last wandered without a guise. His skin-tight clothes revealed his muscular physique for anyone to see. Apart from that his long wavy bangs comparable to a hentai protagonist were clamped revealing his amber-colored eyes
He presents himself in his carefree manner whilst he remains respectable to Karin nonetheless. "Milady, im all set for our journey,"
[System: The host's physique has momentarily enticed the heroine!!! 5 stats will be added to your charisma
Outcome: The heroine [Karin Hashimoto's] Love gauge has been increased from 9 -> 13! She now sees you as a temptress plotting to steal her princess. She'll now carefully monitor your every movement]
Karin hid her reddened expression by covering her face with her palm and she slowly turns and avert her eyes. "I didn't know you have this side. Well, come in. We'll have a long way to go, I'll explain the things you'll do once we've arrived,"
Alarmed about what will result in their time Karin ordered him to seat along with their driver once he placed his luggage in the trunk. When that's all said and done, they began their trip leaving the wretched neighborhood and making their way to their designated area. When Hikaru's eyes met with the gates of her house, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened at passing through such a luxurious house
'This is a penthouse...? there's no way in hell! It's a mansion for fucks sake. How rich is she to call this a penthouse? and to think I'm stunned by Kaoru's house, I guess he's more set on simplicity. Focus Hikaru, this is just the house. I can already tell there are a lot more things that I'll have to check during my stay as her servant,'
When the two of them exit their vehicle, a dozen of muscular guards twice as big as Hikaru bowed their heads and say. "Welcome back milady!!!"
Though most of them were in sync with one another, amongst them was someone far greater in status. "Milady you've finally arrived! I was deeply concerned about your well-being, why are you so late all of a sudden? Perhaps you gain a friend~ oh you have a visitor? I didn't notice him,"
This arrogant tone belonged to one of the characters who'll undoubtedly be Hikaru's ally or enemy depending on his choice
[System: You've met an important character for the development of the heroine [Karin Hashimoto's] storyline!
Supporting character:
Lou Qing
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Personality: Hostile
Strengths: Torture, Muay Thai, Knife handling, keen precision, gun control, supervising, assassination, scheming, cleaning, cooking, information gathering
Weaknesses: Will prioritize the well-being of his benefactor the Hashimoto group]
Lou Qing glared at Hikaru with pure disgust whilst Karin hadn't yet turned to meet his eyes which slowly revert to normal. "Head butler Lou, this is Hikaru Aoi. He'll become my bodyguard as long as my safety hasn't been confirmed. I want you to educate him on his duty and where he'll sleep,"
With Karin's words, Lou Qing's misinterpretation became nonexistent, and his ferocious glare dissipate. He neither spoke a word and only bowed to her orders before guiding Hikaru to where he'll retire for the night. Along his path, Hikaru took notice of the eyes of those that stared daggers from all sides of his body till he arrived at his abode
"This bunker will be your room. There wasn't any news of your employment so you'll have to settle for this. It's messy but that's all you'll have to worry about. Water, food, internet, and electricity will be covered, if you have any questions, come find me," With that hes left alone in such an awful place crawling with roaches alike and water dripping from his ceiling
'Could be worse... his hostility got lowered, but I can tell that there are a lot of vacant rooms. he did this just so I could leave after my first day of work, jokes on him my last apartment was shittier. at least I have a futon, before I came to Tokyo I had no sheet or futon and I used my bag as my temporary pillow. those were the darkest days when I have to save up just so I can buy something to replace my bag,'
[System shop: The hosts have finally opened the ship for the very first time! Please wait for a little while longer. The system is updating the stocks. We'll notify you once were done]
Hikaru arrived back at his room with a mop and broom and all sorts of equipment he needs to clean his current abode
[Status: The [System shop] has been updated!]
Hikaru didn't waste any time and quickly opened the shop for anything useful for his line of work
[System shop:
Total digits: 150000
[Skill Gacha: First 10 pulls guarantee SSS
(1x pull -> 1,000) (10x pull -> 10,000)]
[Item draw: 100th pull guarantee UR
(1x pull -> 1,500) (10x pull -> 15,000)]
24-hour shop:
(Power up pill 1x -> 100)
(Sprinter shoes 1x -> 12,000)
(Knuckleduster 1x -> 7,000)
(Stat dice 1x -> 40,000)
(Sealed stat: Intelligence -> 18,000)]
'I'm too weak in terms of physical strength, I already have a high amount of love gauge for Suzu so I don't need an item. It's still the early stages of the game, I don't need any specific skills at this point. What im lacking are stats,'
[System shop: You've used 120,000 digits to buy 4 Stat dice!!!
Stat dice: A special dice that the player can roll to increase the stats multiplied by the number you got. Due to how broken of an effect this is once the number has been chosen the hosts will have no control of the allocation. The stats will be randomly applied using a wheel to determine where the stat will be applied]
Hikaru tidied his room and reclined on the soft touch of his futon after a long day of work. "Tomorrow will be the continuation of my life as Karin's bodyguard. I never thought of buying these dice in the first place, but im sure of it. The bodyguard route will place me as the last line of defense on Karin's predetermined kidnapping,"