Chuunibyou is a title meant for a few people who are perplexed about the difference between reality and fiction. It's most commonly known as 'Eighth-grade syndrome' and most who suffer often tend to wear gothic/edgy clothing. There are no signs of mental disability but most often than not, once there cured they'll feel an intense amount of cringe
'Waaah!!! Where the heck did he come from? No that's not the pressing matter. I can't believe I'd get help from someone with whom I have no kind of familiarity. This must be some sort of trick. Yes, that's the most plausible of all hypotheses that I've produced,'
While Hikaru remains frozen to balance his weight and her own with his limited strength, Suzu quickly rises and says. "W-Who asked for your assistance huh? The genius sorceress shall not fall to the ground. I had a backup plan in case that were to occur, my coat is inflatable~ Unhand me this instant!!"
Before she could've done anything that'll endanger her well-being, Hikaru grabs hold of her wrist along with his unruly gaze. "Now listen here I just save you. Just accept that fact, im not going to catch you once you fell from that height. You're also the one who blew all the leaves because of your machine. Do you think you have a say in this?"
Suzu gaze at their surrounding and all she saw were heaps of leaves along with a hint of trash in their midst. "Correction, you truly have a point. By this time, I would've lost the trust of those I deemed to lend my helping hand. Doubt comes with failure, and failure is what I sowed after opening the seal of pandora,"
"Enough talking! Just take the broom and get to sweeping. If you're the one who did all this then you must provide a countermeasure..." Purely coincidental that he'd met another one of the heroines but in the end, he prioritize the wishes in turn for his power
30 minutes later
(Okay, we're finished with our duty! Now off to the next area~ Hold on, this one asked us to fix a clogged sink in the park. Should we skip this one? There's no way you know a how to fix this sort of thing~)
'What do you mean? I normally fix my shitty pipes back at my old apartment. Don't tell me you didn't get some background information about my set of skills. I already read the wishes before we took them from the shrines, okay? I can handle pretty much any sort of task, my hobbies before I became a streamer were to find a way to lessen my monthly fee,'
'Cooking, laundry, tutoring, furthermore I have a good record on the convenience store I work to pay my rent. Come on, Fazriel you're a divine being I think it's perfectly normal to assume im capable in many ways than one. How do you expect an orphan to have a decent amount of money to eat three meals a day, and pay for the internet? and to top it all off I even have enough left for rent?'
(That's indeed such a feat!)
'Now you know... Fazriel, I think someone was following us once we left the park. It's a wild guess but I think the heroine's following my tail,'
(I thought you have the heroine tracker. Maybe she's far from its distance? How can that be!!?)
When Fazriel took a quick oversight of their spot he then detects a life form located far from the reach of Hikaru's system
(Look to your right it's the heroine!)
Hikaru's day couldn't get any worse and then she came along and ruined it all. He sighed deeply and proceeds to her spot where she unknowingly lost sight of his movement. "Where the heck did he go? Urgggh... I spent a long time catching up to him and now he's gone~ Aaahhh!!!"
When she turns around upon realizing her failure, Suzu was then frightened by Hikaru's arrival. "Can you stop stalking me? You're the delusional heroine, not the stalker or perhaps you're changing your outlook? God please no! I don't want another psycho~"
"Y-You're mistaken. I-I'm not a stalker I just can't leave you alone before I gave you a helping hand. F-From the path you chose, I assume you'll participate in another one of these programs. I-If you want I can be some help," Though she's quite naive and gullible in the game and reality, Hikaru notices her indifferent behavior
'Strange, she's a little different from the game,'
(How come?)
'Just from the status she's classified by the system as 'Prideful' but she hasn't displayed any kind of superiority. Apart from the weird introduction that's similar to the game, Suzu's a little passive. I think this is the result of our 'Accidental encounter' she's similar to Maki Adagaki when I met her by chance,'
(That was accidental? I thought she was supposed to be encountered at the early stages of the game. This is the first time im heard about this, what are the differences exactly? This might be another anomaly)
'Anomaly isn't what I would say. In the game, they have fixed arrival and debut after an event was finished to unlock their story. But this is reality, we can assume that the story will play out similarly to the plot, however...'
(Spit it out!)
'This might sound a little crazy, but maybe this newly added storyline was locked,'
(What do you mean by that?)
'Oh shoot! I've been far too silent. How long was I talking to you? Let's discuss this at a later date. I need to prioritize the heroine,'
"So what's your answer? You should have one by now. Don't you think it's quite rude to ignore a person when they're talking to you?" Hikaru loosened himself upon his realization and his cold glare withered
He sighed in relief and took the initiative from then on where he did so by clasping her fragile hand. "Fine then, I'd like it if you accompany me. You can call me Hikaru Aoi and you are?"
Suzu was taken aback by his bold acts her face blushed and her eyes openly widen whilst she stutters. "H-Hanami S-Suzu! Ahahahahaha, please don't mind my awkwardness for I have wallowed in the club room for a long time. In any case, I shouldn't be flustered. Shaking hands with a plausible acquaintance is a must,"
She forced a smile so hilariously laughable and yet it poses a hint of charm for someone like Hikaru. It was the first time he felt a sense of relief from his hellish days in the game. Suzu's indifferent manner seemingly brightened his mood and gave him a little hint of hope
"Oh right! I just remember... The truth is my machine never malfunctioned. When I've taken a closer look it seems that it was sabotaged when I wasn't present. The perpetrator isn't that important, what im saying is that we can accelerate our progress," Hikaru was full of doubt but he remembered a certain scene in his playthrough and decides to agree with her choice
"Sure, go ahead and try!" Once Suzu heard of his approval she turns on her contraption which activated the use of her voice
[Pandora's box: Processing completed! Every function has been stabilized. The suction shall proceed once the voice of the creator has been heard!]
"Obey me the box containing unspecified evils. You who were created to store this wickedness, I beseech you to heed my words. Open your mouth and devour the ones who have been deemed as my oppressor," Hikaru was already informed beforehand but her ridiculous way of activating her machine was enough to make him flinch
'Urrrrghhh! I'd rather get my body struck by a rampaging truck instead of hearing something like this. Why... Cringe. This feeling of pure embarrassment, why does it transcend mental and pierce through my very soul? Just kill me! This is too much!!!'
It wasn't long that the rest of the parks in the vicinity of Tokyo were rid of their filth and before they knew it the sun had vanished. Evening came for everyone especially these two who aid in the process of eradicating the filth of their magnificent park. In their victory, the two spend the remainder of their time filling themselves with a ramen or two
Once they are their fill, they came back and waited for the arrival of her ride. "Fuwaaah... Today was the absolute best! My machine worked properly, the parks are now clean, and I ate some ramen. Ahhh! Can you stop that?"
Hikaru pressed a can of soda to her neck which reacted due to it being freshly whisked away from the fridge. "Have a drink, my treat... So when's your ride picking you up? I asked you to leave but you insisted on staying till the end. Are you sure they're coming?"
Suzu pouts her cheeks due to his devilish trick and her mood easily became sour and uttered. "I don't whether or not you're usually like this or you treat me differently. You're obnoxious and rude, but you stick with me when others mostly disappear. I-If it's not a bother... Can I get your line address?"
"I didn't bring my phone today. Can you give me your phone I'll type my number... Hey look, it's your ride. Well then, I guess this is goodbye. Have a safe trip," Before she made her way to the car, Suzu gazed at him for the final time and her heart skipped a beat
(Now that she's gone why don't we continue where we left off? You said that you might've found an important part of the game. Can you tell me what it is?)
'It's not a big deal, but it's rather troublesome. Sometimes there's additional content to be unlocked when someone finishes a game on its easy, normal, or hard difficulty setting. They sometimes add more benefits, and prices and even level the playing field and drop some new lore and different endings. Since this isn't a game, but instead a reality, would it be possible that those locked content are unsolved?'