
Final hour

Today was like any other day in Morrisoge high filled with joyous laughter and a few sigh here and there. But this particular day was extraordinary, the norms of this land were bent to its boundaries for an upcoming match to be held. Once the clock had struck noon the ace of the karate club, Sana Majima will fight a transferee that goes by the name of Hikaru Aoi.

[Supporting character:

Nana Nanashi

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Personality: Straightforward

Strengths: Cleaning, cooking, supervising, self-defense, obedient, loyal, flexible, consulting

Weaknesses: Easily hostile towards new faces, strict, hot-headed, doesn't care for her wellbeing, prioritizes the needs of her master]

"Cheer up, Higaki sama. I'm sure your friend is alive and well... I'm not quite certain but I do think he's well. Why wouldn't he leave you a note on his departure," Kaoru was awkward around girls and his intimidating physique made it worse

But even he holds a few girls disregarded by his demeanor. There was his mother, Sana whom he grew attached in their club, and lastly his maid, Nana Nanashi. This maiden who attends the same class tried everything to lighten the mood of the next heir to the Higaki group. But to no avail, her efforts were nothing but failure and she's yet to find a way in extinguishing his sorrow

Kaoru sighed and his voice grew grouchy and uttered. "Nana... Can you remind me of my request? I think you might have forgotten my orders,"

"Never use honorifics within school grounds. I do apologize Higaki sama~ Ahem! I mean, can you forgive me for my rude acts, student Kaoru?" There wasn't a hint of a joke in her words and he was taken aback by how bizarre her uncivilized manner

"I take back what I just said! Just act how you normally are..." His maid gave her a nod and he proceeds in burying his face in the solid surface of his table

'God damn it! Where the hell is he?'

To explain his concerns, let's go back to the period after Hikaru openly declared his participation in Majima's challenge


3 weeks ago at 12: 50 pm

"Are you insane!!?" Kaoru screamed his lungs out in the cafeteria halls whilst he stares at his friend who happily eats Sana's bento

"Don't sweat the minor details, Kaoru. I have three whole weeks to prepare for the upcoming day. Damn, her bento's pretty good! Did she make this herself?" Whilst Hikaru proceeds to enjoy his second course of lunch, Kaoru was deeply concerned about his life

It was at this time that a figure appeared behind his whispers the following. "Higaki sama why not use this chance to invite him to your abode? I clearly remember that you request a fully functional private gym that holds everything he requires,"

'That's a good idea! I'll be less worried about his health and I can teach him Sana's moves while we train. It's a win-win situation. Her strength isn't something to underestimate so this will only prepare him for the worst. At the very least I found a way to fully support his needs. I might as well give him a tour around the penthouse, and we can even play the newly released game Spell art online,'

Through Kaoru's plans and preparation, he tried to keep this to himself and only ask him the day after. But that choice resulted in his friend's absence from their class along with a letter sent to his desk. He tores through the letter and the contents were laid down as such

'Dear Kaoru once you read this letter I can already guess that you're stunned by Daichi sensei's pressing announcement. I asked the school for immediate leave that'll last until the duration before I could settle the score with Sana Majima. I might be in the mountains fighting bears, a beachside being trained by a bald pervert with a humanoid monkey for a disciple,'

'Where the fuck is he? Let's continue reading, I might find a clue about his whereabouts. All in all, I just wanted to say that I left for my very own training arc. The exact training that'll awaken a hidden power inside me. My hair might change color and my power level will increase. I might find a mysterious fruit that'll give me the power for my body to become elastic or find seven mystical balls to summon a wishing dragon,'

He stood there unbeknownst to the devilish face he displayed within his class and he later intensify the situation. "Don't fuck with me!!! Why the hell are you going on a training arc? At least tell me in advance, god damn it!!!"



'I didn't think I'll cause a ruckus... Am I seriously that intimidating? I didn't even think I shouted that hard. Hikaru you better hurry up and come back, I don't know what I'll do! It's awkward enough that Hashimoto is sitting beside me, without you I can feel her irritating glare... What the hell is wrong with her? She's been acting friendly after she heard from our classmate that im friends with Sana,'

When they heard the doors creak all of the students along with him stood up and greeted their teacher. "Hey yo im finally back!"

Instead of Daichi sensei, the students gaze upon their classmate who disappeared for more than a week. Their interactions were short live from the time but even they could easily tell the difference between his past. Hikaru was equipped with all sorts of stitches and his body was painted with bruises along with the change of his atmosphere

"That new kid didn't quit!!?

"Is he insane?"

"This guy's a psycho! Why didn't he leave when he got the chance?"

"His asking for a beating from Majima senpai,"

Most of his classmates showered him with their horrendous remarks but their mouths were easily halted. "Hikaru, you son of a bitch! Where the hell did you go?"

Kaoru warmly welcomed with open arms even in his current state where he'd be questioned by his peers. "Good to see you to buddy. Can you lend me your notes? I need to write my notes before our exams came out,"

"You don't have to worry about that, Nana wrote the lessons in your textbooks. You haven't eaten, right? Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm not in the mood to attend our class so how about we skip,"

When they were about to leave, one of their classmates stood from their seat and halted their path. "Hikaru Aoi are you delusional enough to act so high and mighty? Don't you think you're overestimating your abilities even for a little? My princess will easily beat you to the ground up~"

"No one asked for your thoughts, Hashimoto. God, I can't believe you're that desperate to join our discussion. Also, I didn't want to say this but, Sana's straight. She likes dudes so if I were you just change your target audience, you also have the choice to go back to your old school,"

Kaoru struck a nerve with his choice of words and before they could hear her outburst, these two left for the cafeteria


15 minutes later

After they waited until their served by the cafeteria staff some ramen the two proceeded with their chatter. "So tell me, what did you do on your training arc? For all the shit you've written in that letter, I want to know if you did something crazy. Well, you already beat a bunch of thugs so we can use that to gauge your strength,"

Kaoru's eyes were filled to the brim with anticipation and Hikaru returned it by conveying his experience. "Hate to break it to you but I didn't do anything special. I didn't find a gauntlet that can kill half of every existence. There wasn't anything peculiar like learning ninjutsu or discovering I have a demon fox inside my body. But I did try triple-welding some wooden swords I randomly find in the streets,"

"Triple wield? Oh, you mean like Zero from the anime Two-piece? Isn't he the guy who's great at directions? So did it work?"

"It's not a surprise that it didn't! It's a fictional technique with no hint of logic. I can't even hold my arms together and chant the Kamehameha to see if it works. If I did gain a secret power I just say I have a faster rate when it comes to my reflexes," Soon after that, these two bands of oddities roam the school till their allotted time was spent


4 hours later

[Hello, Morrisoge high! This is your mc speaking, Tanaka Yoshikage. I'm here to convey to every student about a special event that you might've heard before. That's correct folks, the ace in our martial arts club Sana Majima and the transferee Hikaru Aoi will have a match!]

[What are you waiting for get to the gym right now! This event has been approved by the headmaster as a way to oversee their match. Since our senpai is known for her freakishly terrifying strength, the headmaster allowed any form of technique. That means that our challenger, Hikaru Aoi isn't held by any means of restriction in their match]

(Aren't they just openly saying that you'll die?)

'They aren't wrong, Sana Majima was hella strong in the game. Now that she has that Divine aura she packs a punch like truck's kun Isekai death charge. There's no reason for me to deny this challenge, sinxe I already gain Sana's approval. The worst part about this is that this is the only route so I can make Karin fall for me,'

(You didn't even have a choice, to begin with?)

On the other side of the gym, his opponent stands with most of the people cheering for her arrival. "You sure are a toughie, I guess I underestimated you that much... Since your determined in fighting me, I shall return your feelings. Brace yourself, Hikaru Aoi! I won't be holding back!"

[System: For some unknown reason background music with a similar beat to the boss theme has been played?]

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