
Chapter 4: Death by p*ssy **

As though a dam that suddenly broken, liquid gushed onto Alexander's face. His mouth, his nose and every part that could hold in the liquid was forcefully filled.

Te woman took her time to tremble and spasm as she wished. When she was done, she jumped off Alexander's now drenched face. The liquid slowly dripped off his face and fell towards the also drenched couch. Alexander's face now looked like he had just jumped into a pool of water... a pool of very viscous water. But there was now a little problem.

Alexander was not breathing.

The woman who saw this was not at all flustered. She instead raised her hand and...


A slap found itself marking Alexander's chest red. With a jolt, Alexander sat up.

He coughed like how a drowned person would. He spat out a bit of the liquid the covered his lungs.

It was a second later that Alexander saw where he was. He looked around and saw the woman chugging a bottle of alcohol down her throat.

"Hey, why did you do that? Don't you know black people can't swim?"

The woman was confused when he heard his words. What was this fool speaking about?


At that moment, it was then that Alexander felt the stinging pain on his chest. He clutched his chest and groaned in pain.


But the woman didn't care to listen to Alexander. She pushed Alexander down a focused in his crotch.

Although he poor Alexander almost died by drowning, his cock still stood proud. He woman got closer and grabbed the eager stick. As he stroked it he felt the dirt accumulated from a bath long due.

The woman felt that she couldn't let such a thing enter her, so she thought to clean in. But there was no water nearby to clean it with. So she grabbed an alcohol bottle.

Alexander who was still pained over his chest, noticed something evil about to happen.

"Wait! That's not supposed to go there!"

But it was too late, the woman had already poured the contents of the bottle over his crotch. Luckily though, none had spilled inside yet. But as he was just about to save his stick, the woman stood up and sat on his stomach.

With Alexander meager strength, he was instantly subdued. The woman continued pouring the alcohol on Alexander's c*ck. Of course, she was not stupid enough to directly pour it onto Alexander's hole. She used the alcohol to clean the sides of his c*ck. She stroked his head while gently pouring the cold liquid on top.

Alexander who was clamoring to stop the blasphemy that was done to his delicate part was soon assaulted by a novel sensation. A sensation that was clearly better than when he did it himself.


The mixture of skin and the cold liquid made wonders he need thought possible. And unlike what he feared, there was no subsequent pain in his stick. So he stopped fighting and let the pleasure dominate his senses.

And just as he was resisting the urge to release his held up milk, he felt a new sensation slowly cover his erect stick. But it came at the worst time as Alexander was not ready or prepared for another form of pleasure. He tried to hold it in but alas virgin gates were made of straw and not the one from one piece. So his gates were overloaded and his liquid was gushed out.

The woman who had just covered Alexander's c*ck with her mouth, felt a spray of liquid rush up her mouth.

Before Alexander could finish dumping his load, the woman turned his c*ck to the side ad let it elsewhere other than her face. The woman spat out the cum that got into her mouth. She took a bottle and rinsed her mouth With alcohol. She then spat out the contents on te floor without caring if it was dirty or not.

She then turned her body and looked at Alexander in the face. She squared boyishly on Alexander as she pulled his still erect c*ck slightly. Her face was all but happy. Maybe it was Alexander's imagination, but he felt like he saw vein on her head pulsating rhythmically like in a cartoon.

"Why did you cum in my mouth."

'What did you expect when you put a semi-virgin d*ck in your mouth?' Alexander thought. He of course did not say this aloud. As the lady was clearly angry.

"you have five seconds to tell me one good reason why I shouldn't pull out your balls right now?"

Alexander wanted to instantly move away, but he felt her grip on his crotch tighten.

"Wait lady..."

"four... three... two..."

Hearing these words, Alexander panicked. In his moment of panic, he blurted out...

"Im handsome!"


For a second, the two looked at each other.

"That... is a good point."

Alexander sighed in relief. But it seed that his sigh escaped too soon.

"A lot of women will be able earger to pay a lot of money just becaue of your face." He woman then smiled. She moved back and laid on the couch. She took off her shirt and bra. Letting her large breast hang down. But don't be misguided as It was not that the breasts were sagging. It was just that the breast were so big, without any proper muscles or bones to hold them up, they could only hand down.

"Tell you What, if you can make me cum just once, i won't kill you."


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