
Chapter 13: Federation (2)

That got a bigger reaction.

The nature of stealth systems meant that they masked the emission of a Sauvettere Engine's radiation.

Sauvettere Engines were detectable at FTL since they produced gravity pulses, which were easily seen by any ships Sensor.

No known star nation could penetrate the Federation's Stealth.

There wasn't really a reason since Stealth became unnecessary on any ship bigger than a Destroyer.

Admiral Talsore spoke first.

"Is it possible that this mystery ship was already leaving, and the Drell arrived too late to stop it?"

Admiral Nicon shook his head, his face stony.

"The Drell was able to sense the ship activate its Hovarth Drive mere moments after its arrival."

Admiral Whitestar looked like he was going to speak, but Falkoon raised his had, stopping him.

Something in Nicon's voice told him that the CNI wasn't finished.

After a moment, Nicon pressed another command, which prompted the hologram to change, minimizing the image of the mystery ship and placing it next to another ship.

"This is the Dominion's Lictre-Class Battle Cruiser. Notice the similarities?"

The second ship, which looked eerily similar to the mystery ship in profile.

Falkoon was beginning to feel nervous.

The Flarekast Dominion was the only Alien star nation on par with either the Federation or the Empire, in control of the Daltor Quadrant.

Neither of the Human star nations interacted much with the Dominion beyond limited trade agreements.

Again, Falkoon stalled any response, still sensing the other shoe hadn't dropped.

Nicon again continued after a pause.

"The Drell ID'd the Mystery ship as a Njord-Class Corvette, the Venator, commanded by a bounty hunter called Commander Venata.

This ship is registered to the ITA, of which the Dominion is not a member.

This leads me to conclude that either the ship was stolen from the Dominion..., or the Dominion is hiding something."

Falkoon was skeptical.

He agreed to the theft theory, even if that seem far fetched in it of itself. The second theory was much more improbable.

The Dominion had been using the Lictre-Class as it's main offensive ship for well over 4000 years, only improving and modifying it every century or so.

Lictre was one of their gods, and the Dominion were quite traditional in their paying of respects.

But before Falkoon could comment, Nicon continued.

He was getting annoyed with the other man constant pauses.

"The reason I support the second theory is because the Federation and the Empire both inherited their tech from the Dominion when humanity first left Old Pilont.

No body is sure where they got their Tech from, especially since they'd made marginal Improvements to both the Sauvettere Engine and the Hovarth Drive in the last 5000 years since we discovered them."

Falkoon sighed.

He hadn't pegged Nicon as a Conspiracy theorist, but he guessed it WAS part of the man's job.

He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin, before making a decision.

"Alright, here's what we'll do. On top of my previous orders, Whitestar, I want Battle Fleet deployed to Alpha Stations.

I don't want to be caught off guard again."

He turned to Nicon.

"Nicon, keep an eye out for this mystery ship. If you get the chance, bring it in for legal reasons or something.

I want to give Jarkell's people a chance to study it.

If no legal reason can be found, then just make sure we know where it is."

Nicon shifted, obviously unhappy with how his theories had been side-lined.

Falkoon stood.

"Alright, that's all I can talk about for the day, before getting a good sandwich for Drolare.

Let's break for lunch, and we'll rehash this issue when we get back.

Next chapter