
Chapter 25

As Cyrus Stark makes it to Essos for the first time, back North Beyond the Wall and farther than the King Beyond the Wall and his escaping army of Free Folk. In the land of Always Winter, where darkness and shadow prevail, much like the times during the Long Night. The Night King could be seen riding north along with cages full of captured men, women and children all alive and trembling in terror and cold.

If not for the runes on the cages they would've froze to death.

The Night King brought the cages to a large stone altar where the undead were building a large foundation, it would be a while before it was completed but the undead were tireless. Keeping a few cages the Night King continued up to a frozen throne.

Upon the frozen throne sat the Lich King Ner'zhul, [Frostmourne] resting beside his throne always within reach.

Upon seeing the Lich King many of the people within the cages fainted in fright.

Without saying anything the Night King got down off his undead stead and got on one knee. Looking down at the sacrifices he required, the Lich King stood from the throne as he reached out for his sword.

After he walked down to the center of a prearranged large spell circle, the undead moved the cages into their designed spots then took their own places at certain spots throughout the circle.

Taking [Frostmourne] by the hilt the Lich King stabbed the sword into the center of the circle as a dark aura emanated out from the sword.

Immediately all the people within the cages who had fainted awoke screaming in pain, their souls literally being pulled from their bodies by the swords abilities. Their bodies slowly became dried husks until every soul was collected.

Channeling the souls and using them to power the circle, soon a dark green aura began to spread across the icy ground, many demonic symbols appeared spreading and drawing out the required summoning symbols. All across the areas the Others had been and laid out the ritual circles, the blood that was used to draw them began glowing the same ominous dark green aura.

Once the summoning circle fully completed the green aura brightened then flashed, in front of the Lich King appeared a green and black portal. Reaching into the portal for only a moment the Lich King pulled out a large cloaked figure and threw it to the side. Seeing what just happened the Night King just looked at this strange green skinned creature his master just pulled from nothing.

"Gul'dan.." the Lich Kings dark ominous voice cut thru the wind freezing the orc in place. He wasn't sure what happened, he was trapped in a dimension for so long unable to get out. Then he was grabbed by someone and before he could react he felt cold and was laying on ground. As he began to just get his bearings together he heard his name, and the voice was one he knew very well.

The Lich King was well known throughout the Outlands and Azeroth.

"I have a use for you, Gul'dan. Build my Dark Portal, once my legions conquer this realm we will need a way back to Azeroth. Join me and I will grant you the power you seek, refuse and I will absorb your soul for the required knowledge I seek." The Lich King says coldly as he leveled his blade towards the orc awaiting his answer.

Quickly making his choice Gul'dan got down on both knees prostrating himself before him.

"I will serve master, just show me where to start." Gul'dan answered while trembling, even though he was a warlock and specialized in souls he was nothing compared to the Lich King. Especially so close to the Frozen Throne.

After getting the confirmation the Lich King lowered his blade and made his way back to sit on his throne, placing Frostmourne back in its place.

The Night King stood as soon as the Lich King sat back down, walked to the trembling orc and once he had the orcs attention he began to walk in the direction where the undead were working.

Seeing the undead moving away, Gul'dan quickly got up from the ground and followed to where he would be working.

Once they reached the site Gul'dan's demeanor completely changed. He had a sinister glint in his eyes seeing all the cages full of living people, even though many more would be needed to build and connect the dark portal it was a good start.

Walking over to one of the cages with mostly women and children, an evil smirk grew on his face. The women and children terrified since they had never seen an orc, they had relaxed a lot because they were left alone by the undead and were only occasionally fed to keep them alive. They didn't know what the dead wanted them for but they knew it couldn't be good.

After reaching the cage, Gul'dan pulled out a skull and began chanting. After a few words came out the women and children began screaming in pain as they watched in horror as their own souls were being devoured, empowering Gul'dan restoring his vitality and strength he had lost.

"Ha Ha Ha. The more fear they have the much taster it is, make sure we have a steady supply many many more will be needed." Gul'dan orders gleefully as he begins to look for a few more cages, he will need to keep up his strength for his new master. He will build the dark portal and add his Burning Legion to the Scourge making them unstoppable.

The Night King just turned and got back on his undead horse and began to make his way back south to capture more of the living.

Back in Essos, Cyrus had a splitting headache. He had contacted his mother due to seeing so many missed attempts, he had reached out. After finding out about Bran he woried until she said he was alive then he wasn't worried, after all he did fall so he felt maybe a good lesson would be learned. But that comment didn't go over too well. Needless to say after a promise to quickly return once he at least found a place he could use for his portal to quickly return to finish his mission after healing Bran, he was finally able to disconnect.

After finding a good place and memorizing the location adding it to his list of locations he could portal to, he began to ask around about the Company of the Rose and where he could find them. But he was having no luck at all.

Finally reaching a merchant that could point him in the right direction after a few hours, he was told that Magistrate Mopatis would know how to get in touch with them. As he heading into the direction he was pointed out he was told it wouldn't be a good idea to head over today and to wait till tomorrow.

After inquiring as to why, he was told that the Magistrate was hosting a wedding today so he wouldn't be seeing anyone until then. Deciding he would much rather cross a Magistrate than his mother, Cyrus decided to go anyway.

'What's the worst thing that could happen.' he thought as he made his way towards where the residence was.

As he got closer he could see a large gathering in front of a huge house. Even with such a large crowd he was able to easily slip thru, he knew the host would be wherever the largest amount of people were so he slipped thru the crowd to the very front.

As he got closer he saw the bride and groom accepting gifts. Seeing a large built man with dark olive skin from riding horseback all day in the sun, long black hair braided into a ponytail. Next to him sat a beautiful young petite girl with pale skin and platinum white hair with purple eyes.

The first thing he thought was, 'Damn you can tell it's not by choice.' Before he could put anymore thought into it, something caught the corner of his eye. A familiar figure trying to scurry off without being seen, but that's what caught his sharp eyes. It was all too familiar, he didn't see the face but he saw a distinct unmistakable feature. The man had one arm, Cyrus knew a Lord in the North with one arm. Harwood Stout the Lord of Goldgrass, head of House Stout and loyal vassal of the Lady of Barrowton, Barbrey Dustin.

Though the man was missing an arm, if you thought he wasn't still a warrior you'd be dead before you knew it. He has trained many soldiers for Barbrey Dustin and was extremely loyal, many believed he loved her and it was unrequited love, others believed them lovers. But they would be wrong, he was loyal to her house through and through as his house always was.

Feeling he had to be sure he quickly used [Hunter's Mark] so he wouldn't lose him after he turned the corner, he used [Blink] appearing right in front of the man as he's looking back. Not paying any attention to whats in front of him.

Using [Hammer of the Righteous] to stun the man, he got a good look at the mans face.

'Well looky here, wonder what this guy is doing here. Father didn't say anything about sending back-up or about the Lady Dustin having anything to do here that I know of. Well easy way to find out. But first I need to talk to the magistrate, then interrogate, then heal Bran.' Picking up Harwoods unconscious body and flinging him over his shoulder and casting [Sleep] he walked back to the wedding gift ceremony.

Rather than go from the front like before where the guests were, he came from the wedding side instead while carrying Harwood over a shoulder. As he walked up behind the bride and groom and apparently the brides family member standing by her he yelled out loud, lacing his voice with [Intimidating Shout]

"Oi, Magistrate Mopatis, we need to talk and I'm in a bit of a hurry."

Immediately all the chatter of the crowd stopped, the Grooms men unsheathing their weapon getting into a battle stance.

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