
Chapter 13: Meeting Orene

Leo’s body stopped moving, but he didn’t turn to look back at me. It was like he was second guessing what he had just heard and taking a moment to process it.

“What?” I heard Malissa chirp up from behind me, only I was too focused on Leo to pay attention.

I caught up to them and touched Leo’s shoulder, prompting him to turn and face me.

“I’m coming with you,” I repeated, somewhat out of breath from my random burst of common sense.

Leo observed me. I expected him to be excited, eager even, at my proposal. Rather, he was impassive and unreadable. His gaze flicked behind me and then back to my optimistic eyes, and I thought I saw his irises glimmer when the sun caught them.

“No,” he stated. “You can’t.”

I swore I heard my heart shatter.

“W-what do you mean?”

“You can’t come, Nia… Your family needs you, and your pack. You can’t just up and leave with me.”

“But…the curse. The amulet…”

“Is my problem,” Leo started. “You don’t need to get involved.”

Next chapter