
Chapter 13 ─ Witch

In the distance, I could see a beautiful woman walking towards us.

The crow perched on her shoulder.

"It was very interesting what I saw, normally a human wouldn't save an elf, much less a dark elf."

"They are hated even by their own brethren, the high elves."

She looked to be about my age from her appearance.

Her clothes were a mix between black and purple, a short dress with ruffles similar to a school uniform.

How do I know it's one?

Whatever, the long red tights came up to her thighs and her heels made a loud sound as she walked.

Her hair was long reaching down to her lower back and platinum blonde in color.

With side ponytails down to her neck, purple rose buns on each side and a fringe to the right.

Her right eye was covered by part of her hair, the visible eye was a beautiful light green.

She crossed her arms as she stopped two meters away.

Her voice was very beautiful, as if she wanted to show maturity.

"Nice to meet you, human, I am a [Druidess] a sage of the forest. What you humans call witches."

I didn't care who she was, but Cedric needed help.

I bowed in respect, it was embarrassing, but I wasn't about to let my first subordinate die.

"Please, I implore you! Help my servant, he was injured trying to protect me."


She stared at me, suddenly snapping her fingers.

"Leave it there."

She pointed to the side.

I watched as little earthen men came out of the ground raising their hands.

They indicated to me to let Cedric rest on top of them, I did so and they began to walk in the direction of the house.

The druidess turned to me again.

"Wait there, when I'm done with him, I'll talk to you."

She walked away, but the crow stayed watching us.

The elf and I stayed outside.

I sat waiting until she finished healing him.


She suddenly spoke to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you so much for saving me!"

She prostrated herself on the ground in gratitude for saving her.

How should I put it?

I saved her because I was sorry to see her die.

Shall I tell her?

"I lived in a village together with my parents. We were dedicated to farming and lived a life of tranquility until they came."

"My parents... everyone in the village..."

Her fingers buried in the ground, the way she held back tears from remembering the loss of her loved ones was so sad.

And I say sad, because I didn't mind seeing that before.

But now that theocracy is my enemy...

"It's true!"

I shouted in anger.

"For saving you, I had to kill those guys. Now going home is risky since Zald and the others will find out what we did."

It really was annoying this.

I'm risking my future and my women's future for a stranger.

Did I do it because she was beautiful?

Because she has big breasts?

No. If that were so, then Jessica would have already been mine from before.


She said something to me.


"My name is... Lidvia. Nice to meet you, Master."

"Master? ... Me?"

She called me Master. It was weird to hear that.


She answered cheerfully.

"I begged you to save me, and if you did, I would become your slave."

"You saved my life. Therefore, from now on I will be your slave."

"It is my pleasure to be your exclusive servant."

"Wait a minute, this is sudden."

I have a female slave?

I already had two men as slaves, having a female slave now seems surreal to me.

Especially since it was for a tragedy that was averted.

"Umm, my reasons for saving you were..."

"I know."

"You are not of the theocracy, if you were, you would have killed or raped me like them."

"You were decent, you're the first human I've seen who isn't horrible like them."

"I... I have nowhere to go anymore, I have no home to go back to."

"Therefore, I implore you. Make me your exclusive servant, Master."

She came up to me and hugged me intensely.

"I have no reason to live now. But if it is to serve you, that would give me strength to get through."


She stepped back to show me her face, it was so beautiful, her lips were full like Mary's, I wanted to kiss her without hesitation.

"You can have me as a lover every night. I-I am purely chaste as I never had a boyfriend."

"Among the women in the village, some went to the city and said that some men like to possess inexperienced women."

"They told me that if I ever became a slave, to lose my virginity to my Master as men see a deflowered woman as a trophy."


I silenced her so she would not continue.

"I'm not a good person, I'll tell you straight out."

"If it wasn't because I felt sorry for you. I wouldn't have helped you, thanks to that I just put my life in danger, even my companions are."

"Do I regret saving you?"

"Of course not. Regret is not part of my character, if I regret anything it will be not having made a decision."

"I have two women with me, if you want to be the third, I'll welcome you. But I don't want you to think it's some kind of remorse I feel, I just want you to understand things."

She looked at me in surprise, but after a while of staring at me she nodded.

"Yes. I understand."

She smiled at me after nodding.

"I'm glad my Master was honest."

"Even if you put yourself in danger, it was because you wanted to help me willingly."

"It makes me happy that you didn't decide to follow the path of theocracy in killing others just because of baseless prejudice."

"Theocracy has no basis for doing what it does?"

The elf girl─ Lidvia if I'm not mistaken. She commented something very interesting.

"It's true that many centuries ago, my ancestors joined the Demon Emperor, we also betrayed the high elves..."

"But that has nothing to do with us!"

"Why should descendants pay for the sins of their ancestors?"

"It's not my fault or my parents' fault for what my ancestors did. We shouldn't be judged for something we never committed... it's unfair..."

She began to cry after revealing to me that the theocracy wasn't lying about something.

But that doesn't mean they kill them for that reason. It really is unfair that.

"If you're done chattering, you can come inside."

We heeded her and stood up to go inside.

As we walked in, how to say it.

"It's very rustic."

"It's all made of wood, what did you expect?"

Commented the witch after sitting down.

Next to her was a silver tray which was being moved by little earthen men.

Even tea cups were being served to us.

To one side was a bed where Cedric was resting.

"Your partner is fine. His life is not in danger, but you are another matter."

"You messed with the theocracy. That's a certain death sentence."

"You can't get out of here alive..."

"Neither can I."

I was about to feel bad when she spoke a truth I forgot.

"The theocracy wants to kill you. For what reason?"

"What reason could there be besides being prejudiced and ridiculous?"

"We druids have been treated as witches just because we can only born women with great magical power which is based on the elements of nature."

"See the green blanket covering your friend? It is moss created by magic, it will help him heal at a slow pace."

"I can't use healing magic since that's something only some people can get at birth."

"Well, let's get down to business."

She said after finishing her tea and crossing her leg, showing how chubby her thigh was.

"I want us to make a deal."


I said, at how unexpected it was to hear her say that.

"This deal not only guarantees that both you and I, as well as those two get out of here alive. We could also defeat the theocracy and never see them again."

"... I don't think they would come back, after all, my plan is really dangerous for them."

"What do you mean?"

"Before that, I forgot to introduce myself, my apologies."

"My name is Luvia Le Fay Schwarz."

"I came to this place 200 years ago after escaping from my 'home' and ended up in this forest."

"Researching for years, I discovered something curious, the barrier of fierce magical beasts and the trees were placed by the same person."

"I see, so this is a high-level magic spell, right?"


(It was worth listening to Mary carefully.)

Luvia continued talking after getting up and asking me to join her.

"I'm sure I can replenish the barrier if we take the caster's blood that was used to create these creatures."

"Well, where is it?"

"Right over there."

She pointed out the window, in the distance I saw an almost ruined castle.


"Yes, there it is."

"I used some magic to track his magic power and there is the caster."

"Is he alive?"

"According to what I found out from my golems, it seems so, as there are traces of life inside, but I can't get it."

"Why can't you?"

She ducked her head as she mumbled something.


"What did you say?"


"I can't hear you."


"I said I can't hear you."

"I'm afraid of scary places!"

She lifted her face in tears.

"I've always been so scary! I'm afraid even to go out at night, it's always been like that!"

"It was a miracle I made it to this place alive."

"I'm super scared of those dark places. I'm a druid and it scares me, okay?"


I didn't understand what was wrong with her, but she looked cute as she shook her hair every time she screamed.

"You're scared to go in there, and that's why you can't get the blood sample."

"Fine. I'll go in there."


"Sure. Do you think I'm lying?"

"I-I don't think so..."

She wandered her gaze between me and the castle.

"It's just that place is scary, there are unique monsters there and everything is in ruins."

"It's possible there are ghosts and scarier things with lots of legs..."

(You really are afraid of the dark, aren't you?)

I grabbed her shoulder and showed confidence.

"You just need blood from the caster who lives there. I don't know how he's still alive, but he must be an old man."

"It will be easy."

I smiled to show her my assurance.

I'm not afraid of monsters and castles with broken floors.


Let's move on to today's fanservice, starting with the novel's new waifu, Lidvia.


New chapter my dear readers.

I'm thinking of making two-part chapters, that is to say that a chapter will be split in two, and placed what follows in the next chapter mixed with the corresponding chapter.


I find it very difficult to write sometimes, remember how hot it is.

The good thing is that since Cedric is injured, which was going to happen later, I'll have to delete his dialogues and maybe take out SS to put them there and give him a bit of screen.

This chapter was short, the other one will be too.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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